The Example3_AngleCalculations.ino example file can be accessed from the File > Examples > SparkFun TMAG5273 Arduino Library > Example3_AngleCalculations drop-down menu. This example demonstrates one of the advanced features of the TMAG5273; it enables a CORDIC engine to calculate the angle of a magnet rotating about the z-axis.
Example3_AngleCalculations.inoCode Verification
This code was last verified to be functional under the following parameters:
Arduino IDE Version: 2.2.1
Arduino Library Version: 1.0.3
Hardware Platform:
- SparkFun RedBoard Plus
- SparkFun Linear 3D Hall-Effect Sensor - TMAG5273 (Qwiic)
- SparkFun Mini Linear 3D Hall-Effect Sensor - TMAG5273 (Qwiic)
#include<Wire.h> // Used to establish serial communication on the I2C bus#include"SparkFun_TMAG5273_Arduino_Library.h" // Used to send and recieve specific information from our sensor// Create a new sensor objectTMAG5273sensor;// I2C default addressuint8_ti2cAddress=TMAG5273_I2C_ADDRESS_INITIAL;// Set constants for setting up deviceuint8_tconversionAverage=TMAG5273_X32_CONVERSION;uint8_tmagneticChannel=TMAG5273_XYX_ENABLE;uint8_tangleCalculation=TMAG5273_XY_ANGLE_CALCULATION;voidsetup(){Wire.begin();// Start serial communication at 115200 baudSerial.begin(115200);// Begin example of the magnetic sensor code (and add whitespace for easy reading)Serial.println("TMAG5273 Example 3: Angle Calculations");Serial.println("");// If begin is successful (0), then start exampleif(sensor.begin(i2cAddress,Wire)==true){Serial.println("Begin");}else// Otherwise, infinite loop{Serial.println("Device failed to setup - Freezing code.");while(1);// Runs forever}// Set the device at 32x average mode sensor.setConvAvg(conversionAverage);// Choose new angle to calculate from// Can calculate angles between XYX, YXY, YZY, and XZXsensor.setMagneticChannel(magneticChannel);// Enable the angle calculation register// Can choose between XY, YZ, or XZ prioritysensor.setAngleEn(angleCalculation);}voidloop(){if((sensor.getMagneticChannel()!=0)&&(sensor.getAngleEn()!=0))// Checks if mag channels are on - turns on in setup{floatangleCalculation=sensor.getAngleResult();Serial.print("XYX: ");Serial.print(angleCalculation,4);Serial.println("°");}else{Serial.println("Mag Channels disabled, stopping..");while(1);}delay(1000);}
Hardware Connections
For this example, users simply need to connect their Qwiic Hall-Effect Sensor board to their microcontroller, utilizing the I2C interface. With the recommended hardware, users can easily connect their boards with the Qwiic connection system.
For users with a development board without a Qwiic connector, the table below illustrates the required pin connections. Make sure that the logic-level of the sensor is compatible with the development board that is being connected.
Sensor Pin
Microcontroller Pin
I2C - Serial Clock
I2C - Serial Data
Power: 1.7 to 3.6V
Serial Monitor
This example enables the CORDIC engine to calculate the angle of a magnet rotating about the z-axis, which is then displayed in the Serial Monitor.
The angle of the magnet is streamed from the TMAG5273 sensor into the Serial Monitor.
For this example to work, users should rotate a magnet's polarity about the z-axis of the TMAG5273 hall-effect sensor. Similar to how the magnetic knob is used for this stove top:
The casing of rare Earth magnets is often conductive. Users should take precautions to avoid shorting out the components or electrical contacts with these types of magnets.