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PWR LED dims when the board is disabled

The PWR LED on the Qwiic hall-effect sensor may only dim when it is disabled through the Disable button or DISABLE PTH pin. This will occur when the Qwiic hall-effect sensor is used in conjunction with development boards that have pull-up resistors on their SDA and SCL pins.

The combination of the pull-up resistors on the development board and the Qwiic hall-effect sensor will bypass the DISABLE pin's power cut-off circuitry. This results in the development board back-powering the Qwiic hall-effect sensor and its LED. In most circumstances, users shouldn't experience any issues, as the sensor should be within the under-voltage threshold and still reset.1 However, if the issue persists, users can disconnect the pull-up resistors on the Qwiic hall-effect sensor by cutting the I2C jumper.

  1. We have thoroughly tested this issue with all of our development boards and have found that the Qwiic hall-effect sensor will still reset, when disabled because the sensor will be within its under-voltage threshold.