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Getting Started with the Acconeer Python Exploration Tool

Before you are able to use the Exploration Tool with the XM125, you will also need to flash the appropriate firmware (e.g. the acc_exploration_server_a121.bin). You can use the instructions outlined earlier with the STM32CubeProgrammer. You can also use Acconeer's Exploration Tool to flash firmware as well.

Installing XM125 Firmware with the Exploration Tool

As explained earlier, each application requires a specific firmware to be flashed on the XM125. By default, the presence detection firmware (i.e. i2c_presence_detector.bin) is loaded on the SparkFun Pulsed Coherent Radar Sensor - Acconeer XM125 (Qwiic). For users that are interested in loading other firmware, we recommend heading over Acconeer's developer site to download the latest firmware. At the time of writing, this should be located under Developer Tools & Support > A121 Docs & Software > XM125 / XE125 > Acconeer XM125 A121 (SDK for XM125).


You will need an account to download the firmware. Make sure to register for an account and sign in to download the XM125 firmware.

Flashing Firmware

Open the Acconeer Exploration Tool. You'll be presented with two options. For the scope of this tutorial, you will select the A121.

Select A121 on the Acconeer Exploration Tool

Connect a USB between the SparkFun Pulsed Coherent Radar Sensor - Acconeer XM125 (Qwiic) and your computer.

USB Cable Inserted into Pulsed Coherent Radar Sensor

Select the Flash tab from the side navigation bar.

Flash Firmware Tab

Select the firmware to flash to the SparkFun Pulsed Coherent Radar Sensor - Acconeer XM125 by clicking on the Browse button. In this case, you will need to head to: .. > acconeer_xm125_a121-v1_5_0 > xm125 > out. The version number will change depending on when you downloaded the firmware. Select acc_exploration_server_a121.bin.

Select Acconeer Exploration Server A121 Firmware

Select Serial. Then select the COM port that the SparkFun Pulsed Coherent Radar Sensor - Acconeer XM125 enumerated to. In this case it was COM22 (). The COM port with the parenthesis will most likely be the COM port. From the drop down menu, select XM125.

Flash Acconeer Exploration Server A121 Firmware

You will need to set the XM125 in bootloader mode.

  • Press and hold the BOOT button.
  • Press the RST button while still holding down the BOOT button.
  • Release the RST button.
  • After a short moment, release the BOOT button.
Press and hold BOOT Button Press Reset Button Keep Holding Down BOOT Button After a Short Moment, Release Boot Button


You will want to wait a short moment before releasing the BOOT button to give the XM125 a moment to recognize that the BOOT button is being held low. Releasing the RST button too fast after the XM125 resets may prevent the module from properly entering bootloader mode.

Click the Flash button to flash the firmware. After a few seconds, you should get a message: "Flashing done!"

Flashed Acconeer Exploration Server A121 Firmware

Getting Started with the Exploration Tool

Click on Stream from the side navigation bar. Select Serial. Then select the COM port that the board enumerated to. In this case, it was COM22 () just like when the board was flashed earlier with the Exploration Tool.

Connect to COM Port on the Acconeer Exploration Tool

Configure the COM port by clicking on the gear between the COM port and Connect button. A small window will pop up to configure the COM port. Make sure to deselect the Auto-connect and manually enter the baud rate: 115200. You may get an error when starting a measurements. Close the window by clicking the X button. Then click the Connect button.

Configure COM Port on the Acconeer Exploration Tool

There are several demos available with the Acconeer Exploration Tool. Let's check out the presence detector example. Click on the Presence detector button. Then click on the Start Measurement button. Try placing your hand over the sensor and then moving it away

Hand in front of XM125 and Close Hand in front of XM125 and Farther Away

You should see the presence distance values increase in the plot. From the history, I had moved my hand quickly away from the sensor resulting in the intra-presence score to increase. Then I moved it back and slowly moved it away resulting in the inter-presence score to increase. The presence distance values would also be displayed in the bottom plot.

Output from XM125 with Presence Detector Example on Acconeer Exploration Tool

Let's check out the distance detector example. Click on the Distance detector button. Then click on the Start Measurement button. Placing my hand over the sensor and then moving it away, you should see the distance values increase in the plot. This was indicated by the four orange dots on the bottom graph.

Output from XM125 with Distance Detector Example on Acconeer Exploration Tool

Try checking out Acconeer's documentation for the Exploration tool and adjusting each value for your application. Or even place the sensor behind a wooden door or glass window to see if the sensor can detect your presence or distance from the sensor. There are also applications to measure breathing rate, detect parked cars, adjust the range of the presence detection into zones, measure tank levels, and measure speed!