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API Reference for the SFE_QUAD_Menu class

Brief Overview

The SFE_QUAD_Menu class allows the user to create a menu as a linked-list of SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item objects.

The SFE_QUAD_Menu _head points to the head (start) of the linked list.

_next points to the next SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item in the list.

The _next of the final SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item in the list is NULL.

_head is initially NULL. It is set to the address of the first SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item when addMenuItem is called.

There are several different types of menu item, as defined by the SFE_QUAD_Menu_Variable_Type_e enum:

  • SFE_QUAD_MENU_VARIABLE_TYPE_NONE contains only the _itemName as text
    • The name of the menu and perhaps some underscoring can be defined using this type
    • This can be used to include 'empty' lines to separate parts of the menu
  • SFE_QUAD_MENU_VARIABLE_TYPE_SUB_MENU_START is a special type which defines the start of a sub-menu
    • Only this line is printed when the parent menu is displayed
    • The menu items within the sub-menu are only printed when the sub-menu is opened
    • openMenu is called recursively to enter the sub-menus
  • SFE_QUAD_MENU_VARIABLE_TYPE_SUB_MENU_END marks the end of a sub-menu
  • SFE_QUAD_MENU_VARIABLE_TYPE_CODE contains a pointer to a method which is called when this menu item is selected
    • e.g. a WiFi SSID or password
  • SFE_QUAD_MENU_VARIABLE_TYPE_BOOL is a bool which is toggled when the menu item is selected
    • There is an equivalent type for double
  • SFE_QUAD_MENU_VARIABLE_TYPE_INT contains a signed integer int
    • There are equivalent types for uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, unsigned long and long

Menu items are added with addMenuItem. An overloaded method allows CODE items to be added.

The menu variable can be read with getMenuItemVariable. The value is returned in a SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t. An overloaded method allows TEXT values to be read.

The menu variable can be set with setMenuItemVariable, typically to set its default or initial value. An overloaded method allows TEXT to be set with a const char *.

Numeric menu items can have minimum and maximum values assigned using setMenuItemVariableMin and setMenuItemVariableMax. The built-in getValueDouble method will then only allow values between the min and max to be entered.

setMenuPort defines which Stream (Serial port) will be used for the menu.

Debug messages can be displayed if required. setDebugPort sets the Stream (Serial port) for those.

The SFE_QUAD_Menu is not aware of what storage medium is being used by SFE_QUAD_Sensors. The menu variables can be extracted as CSV text using getMenuVariableAsCSV. Higher methods are then responsible for writing that text to storage. Likewise, higher methods will read the menu variables from storage as CSV text. updateMenuVariableFromCSV will update the variable of the appropriate menu item using that text.

Initialization / Configuration


This method sets the Stream (Serial port) for the menu.

The supportsBackspace parameter can be set to true if the user is using a terminal emulator, like Tera Term, which supports backspace. Existing TEXT items can then be edited instead of having to be entered in full each time.

void setMenuPort(Stream &port, bool supportsBackspace)
Parameter Type Description
port Stream & The address of the Stream (Serial port)
supportsBackspace bool Default is false. If true, existing TEXT items can be edited


This method sets the Stream (Serial port) for menu debug messages - if desired.

void setDebugPort(Stream &port)
Parameter Type Description
port Stream & The address of the Stream (Serial port)


This method adds a menu item of the specified type to the linked-list.

bool addMenuItem(const char *itemName, SFE_QUAD_Menu_Variable_Type_e variableType)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item - the text that will be printed when this menu item is shown
variableType SFE_QUAD_Menu_Variable_Type_e The variable type associated with this menu item
return value bool true if the item is added successfully, otherwise false


This method allows CODE menu items to be added.

bool addMenuItem(const char *itemName, void (*codePointer)())
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item - the text that will be printed when this menu item is shown
codePointer void (*)() The address of the method to be called when this menu item is selected
return value bool true if the item is added successfully, otherwise false


This method returns the variable type of this menu item.

SFE_QUAD_Menu_Variable_Type_e getMenuItemVariableType(const char *itemName)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
return value SFE_QUAD_Menu_Variable_Type_e The enum value representing the type


This method returns the value of the menu item variable.

bool getMenuItemVariable(const char *itemName, SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t *theValue)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
theValue SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t * A pointer to the struct that will hold the value
return value bool true if the item exists and the value is retrieved successfully, otherwise false


This method returns the value of a TEXT menu item variable.

The text is copied into theValue. maxLen should be set to the size of theValue. The text is only copied if theValue is large enough to hold it.

bool getMenuItemVariable(const char *itemName, char *theValue, size_t maxLen)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
theValue char * A pointer to the char array that will hold the text
maxLen size_t Defines how many characters theValue can hold
return value bool true if the item exists and the value is retrieved successfully, otherwise false


This method sets the menu item variable in the linked-list with the value passed in theValue.

bool setMenuItemVariable(const char *itemName, const SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t *theValue)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
theValue const SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t * A pointer to the struct holding the value
return value bool true if the item exists and the value is updated successfully, otherwise false


This method sets the menu item variable in the linked-list with the TEXT passed in theValue.

bool setMenuItemVariable(const char *itemName, const char *theValue)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
theValue const char * A pointer to the text to be copied into the value
return value bool true if the item exists and the text is copied successfully, otherwise false


This method sets the minimum permissible value for the menu item variable. This is used by the menu to check the value is in range.

bool setMenuItemVariableMin(const char *itemName, const SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t *minVal)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
minVal const SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t * A pointer to the struct holding the minimum value
return value bool true if the item exists and the minimum value is updated successfully, otherwise false


This method sets the maximum permissible value for the menu item variable. This is used by the menu to check the value is in range.

bool setMenuItemVariableMax(const char *itemName, const SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t *maxVal)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The name of the menu item
maxVal const SFE_QUAD_Menu_Every_Type_t * A pointer to the struct holding the maximum value
return value bool true if the item exists and the maximum value is updated successfully, otherwise false

The Menu


This method opens the menu on the chosen Stream (Serial port).

This method calls itself recursively when entering a sub-menu. start points to the address of the SUB_MENU_START menu item. If start is NULL (the default), the menu starts at _head.

bool openMenu(SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item *start)
Parameter Type Description
start SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item * The address of the menu item to be shown first
return value bool true if the menu item exists and the menu closes normally, otherwise false


The method returns the number of menu item variables which should be written to storage. The return value dictates how many time getMenuVariableAsCSV is called.

uint16_t getNumMenuVariables(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value uint16_t The number of menu item variables requiring storage


This method reads the menu item variable with index num and writes its name, type and value into var as CSV-format text. Higher methods then write that CSV text to storage.

maxLen defines how many characters var can hold. The text is not written if var is too small.

bool getMenuVariableAsCSV(uint16_t num, char *var, size_t maxLen)
Parameter Type Description
num uint16_t The menu item index
var char * A pointer to a char array that the CSV text will be written to
maxLen size_t The maximum number of characters var can hold
return value bool true if the item exists and is copied successfully, otherwise false


line contains a menu variable in CSV format which has been read from storage. This method updates the appropriate menu item variable with the value contained in the CSV text.

bool updateMenuVariableFromCSV(char *line)
Parameter Type Description
line char * A pointer to a char array that contains the CSV
return value bool true if the menu item exists and is updated successfully, otherwise false

Helper Methods


Ask the user to select a menu item.

uint32_t getMenuChoice(unsigned long timeout)
Parameter Type Description
timeout unsigned long The timeout in milliseconds
return value uint32_t The menu item selected, 0 if none or if a timeout occurred


Ask the user to enter an integer or floating point value. Exponent-format values are also acceptable.

bool getValueDouble(double *value, unsigned long timeout)
Parameter Type Description
timeout unsigned long The timeout in milliseconds
value double * A pointer to the double which will hold the value
return value uint32_t false if nothing is entered or a timeout occurred, otherwise true


Ask the user to enter a TEXT entry, such as a WiFi password.

getValueText will automatically create a new char array to hold the text and returns a pointer to it. The old char array is automatically deleted (freed).

bool getValueText(char **value, unsigned long timeout)
Parameter Type Description
timeout unsigned long The timeout in milliseconds
value char * * A pointer to a pointer to the dynamic char array that holds the text
return value uint32_t true if text is entered within the timeout, otherwise false


Returns the maximum length of all of the menu item names. Used to format the menus correctly (space padding).

size_t getMenuItemNameMaxLen(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value size_t The maximum name length


Returns the likely maximum combined length of a full menu item (including min and max values if present). This is used to determine how much memory should be allocated to hold a menu item in CSV format.

size_t getMenuVariablesMaxLen(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value size_t The likely maximum length

Returns a pointer to the menu item if it exists, otherwise returns NULL.

SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item *menuItemExists(const char *itemName)
Parameter Type Description
itemName const char * The item name
return value SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item * A pointer to the menu item (if it exists), otherwise NULL


This method sets the menu timeout.

void setMenuTimeout(unsigned long newTimeout)
Parameter Type Description
newTimeout unsigned long The new menu timeout in milliseconds


This method sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered into a TEXT value.

void setMaxTextChars(uint16_t newMax)
Parameter Type Description
newMax uint16_t The new maximum length


This method defines if the _menuPort supports backspace for TEXT entry.

void setSupportsBackspace(bool support)
Parameter Type Description
support bool true in the port supports backspace, otherwise false

Member Variables

Parameter Type Description
_head SFE_QUAD_Menu_Item * A pointer to the first menu item in the linked-list, initially NULL
_menuPort Stream * The address of the Stream (Serial port) to be used by the menu
_debugPort Stream * The address of the Stream (Serial port) to be used for debug messages (if desired)
_menuTimeout unsigned long The default menu timeout in milliseconds. Default is 10000
_maxTextChars uint16_t The maximum length of TEXT value entries. Default is 32
_supportsBackspace bool true if the port supports backspace, otherwise false. Default is false