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API Reference for the SFE_QUAD_Sensor class

Methods to allow the sensor's underlying Arduino Library be accessed in a homogeneous way:

  • Return the sensor's name
  • Return which I2C addresses are valid for this sensor
  • Detect the sensor
  • Begin the sensor (usually by calling the underlying library's begin method)
  • Initialize the sensor (if required)
  • Set a pointer to custom initialization code for this sensor
  • Return the number of senses this sensor has
  • Return the names of the senses
  • Return the maximum length of the sense names (to aid menu formatting)
  • Return a sense reading
  • Return a count of the number of settings this sensor has (if any)
  • Return the names of the settings
  • Return the maximum length of the settings names (to aid menu formatting)
  • Return the setting type
  • Set a setting
  • Return a count of the number of things which can be configured on this sensor
  • Return the names of the things which can be configured on this sensor
  • Return the maximum length of the configuration item names
  • Return the configuration item type
  • Return the configuration item
  • Set the configuration item

Brief Overview

The SFE_QUAD_Sensor class allows that sensor's Arduino Library to be accessed in a homogeneous way. It provides common methods for all sensor types, to allow SFE_QUAD_Sensors to read and configure the sensor without needing to know the underlying library's methods.

Think of SFE_QUAD_Sensor as a thin layer which sits on top of the Arduino Library and which provides common access methods for it.

A sensor can have multiple senses. E.g. the BME280 has three : pressure, temperature and humidity.

A sensor may have several things which can be set. These are the settings. E.g. the NAU7802 scale has two : zero offset (calculateZeroOffset) and calibration factor (calculateCalibrationFactor).

Configuration items are settings which are written to and read from storage (SD, EEPROM, LittleFS). They are used to record the sensor configuration and restore the configuration. Note: the configuration items may or may not be the same as the settings.

Individual SFE_QUAD_Sensor instances are connected in a linked-list. The SFE_QUAD_Sensor object contains a pointer to the _next object in the list. The _next of the final SFE_QUAD_Sensor in the list is NULL.

The SFE_QUAD_Sensors object is responsible for creating the linked-list.

The possible (known) sensor types are defined in the enum SFEQUADSensorType in the SFE_QUAD_Sensors class.

Sensor detection and initialization will typically be performed as follows:

  • For each sensor type in enum SFEQUADSensorType:
    • If any Qwiic Muxes are detected, sensor detection is performed on all ports of all muxes.
    • The possible I2C addresses for the sensor are requested using getNumI2cAddresses and getI2cAddress.
    • The sensor is detected using detectSensor. This usually calls the sensor's begin method, but not always.
    • If the sensor is detected, it is added to the linked-list of SFE_QUAD_Sensor objects. Its I2C address is recorded. If it is connected through a Mux, the Mux address and port are recorded.
    • Once detection is complete, each sensor is initialized using initializeSensor.
    • If a custom initializer has been defined, that is used in place of the standard initializer.

Reading the senses will typically be performed as follows:

  • For each sensor in the linked-list:
    • getSenseCount returns the number of senses this sensor has
    • _logSense (an array of bool) records if each individual sense is enabled for logging
    • All enabled senses are read using getSenseReading

The sense names can be read using getSenseName. getSenseNameMaxLen aids menu formatting (space padding).

The class destructor ensures that all memory used by the linked-list is deleted (freed) correctly. This has been fully tested - see Example5 for details.

Most SFE_QUAD_Sensor methods are virtual as they need to be redefined by the methods of the individual sensors. The individual sensor classes (e.g. SFE_QUAD_Sensor_ADS122C04) are derived. They inherit SFE_QUAD_Sensor and then redefine each method with their own.

Initialization / Configuration


This method returns a pointer to the sensor's name.

virtual const char *getSensorName(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value const char * A pointer to the sensor's name (ASCII text, null-terminated)


This method returns the number of I2C addresses this sensor supports.

virtual uint8_t getNumI2cAddresses(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value uint8_t The number of addresses


This method returns the I2C address for the index address.

virtual uint8_t getI2cAddress(uint8_t address)
Parameter Type Description
address uint8_t The address index
return value uint8_t The I2C address


This method attempts to detect the sensor at address sensorAddress using Wire port port. This method usually, but not always, calls the Arduino Library's begin method.

virtual bool detectSensor(uint8_t sensorAddress, TwoWire &port)
Parameter Type Description
sensorAddress uint8_t The sensor's I2C address (may be required by begin)
port TwoWire & The Wire port the sensor is connected to (may be required by begin)
return value bool true if the sensor is detected, false otherwise


This method calls the sensor's Arduino Library begin method.

virtual bool beginSensor(uint8_t sensorAddress, TwoWire &port)
Parameter Type Description
sensorAddress uint8_t The sensor's I2C address (may be required by begin)
port TwoWire & The Wire port the sensor is connected to (may be required by begin)
return value bool true if the sensor is begun successfully, false otherwise


Perform any initialization methods this sensor requires. If a custom initializer has been defined, perform that instead.

virtual bool initializeSensor(uint8_t sensorAddress, TwoWire &port)
Parameter Type Description
sensorAddress uint8_t The sensor's I2C address
port TwoWire & The Wire port the sensor is connected to
return value bool true if the sensor is initialized successfully, false otherwise


Set a pointer to the custom initializer for this sensor.

void setCustomInitializePtr(void (*pointer)(uint8_t sensorAddress, TwoWire &port, void *_classPtr))
Parameter Type Description
pointer void (*)() The address of the custom initializer

The parameters for the custom initializer method are:

Parameter Type Description
sensorAddress uint8_t The sensor's I2C address (may be required)
port TwoWire & The Wire port the sensor is connected to (may be required)
_classPtr void * A pointer to the Arduino Library class instance for this sensor (required to access the class methods)


Return the number of senses this sensor has.

virtual bool getSenseCount(uint8_t *count)
Parameter Type Description
count uint8_t Pointer to the uint8_t which will hold the count
return value bool true if the sensor exists, false otherwise


This method returns a pointer to the name of the sense with index sense.

virtual const char *getSenseName(uint8_t sense)
Parameter Type Description
sense uint8_t The sense index
return value const char * A pointer to the sense's name (ASCII text, null-terminated)


Return the maximum length of all sense names for this sensor. Useful for menu formatting (space padding).

virtual uint8_t getSenseNameMaxLen()
Parameter Type Description
return value uint8_t The maximum name length


Read the sense with index sense. Return the reading as ASCII text in the char array reading.

The calling method is responsible for ensuring reading can hold the entire reading.

virtual bool getSenseReading(uint8_t sense, char *reading)
Parameter Type Description
sense uint8_t The sense index
reading char * A pointer to a char array to hold the reading (ASCII text, null-terminated)
return value bool true is the read is successful, false otherwise


Return the count of the number of settings this sensor has.

virtual bool getSettingCount(uint8_t *count)
Parameter Type Description
count uint8_t Pointer to the uint8_t which will hold the count
return value bool true if the sensor exists, false otherwise


This method returns a pointer to the name of the setting with index sense.

virtual const char *getSettingName(uint8_t sense)
Parameter Type Description
sense uint8_t The setting index
return value const char * A pointer to the setting name (ASCII text, null-terminated)


Return the maximum length of all settings names for this sensor. Useful for menu formatting (space padding).

virtual uint8_t getSettingNameMaxLen()
Parameter Type Description
return value uint8_t The maximum name length


Return the setting type (SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e) (BOOL, FLOAT, INT, etc.) for this setting.

virtual bool getSettingType(uint8_t setting, SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e *type)
Parameter Type Description
setting uint8_t The setting index
type SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e * Pointer to the enum which will hold the setting type
return value bool true if the sensor exists, otherwise false


Apply the value in value to the sensor setting with index setting.

virtual bool setSetting(uint8_t setting, SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Every_Type_t *value)
Parameter Type Description
setting uint8_t The setting index
value SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Every_Type_t * Pointer to the struct containing the setting
return value bool true if successful, otherwise false


Return the count of the number of configuration items this sensor has. Configuration items are settings which need to be written to and read from storage media.

virtual bool getConfigurationItemCount(uint8_t *count)
Parameter Type Description
count uint8_t Pointer to the uint8_t which will hold the count
return value bool true if the sensor exists, false otherwise


This method returns a pointer to the name of the configuration item with index configItem.

virtual const char *getConfigurationItemName(uint8_t configItem)
Parameter Type Description
configItem uint8_t The configuration item index
return value const char * A pointer to the configuration item name (ASCII text, null-terminated)


Return the maximum length of all configuration item names for this sensor. Useful for menu formatting (space padding).

virtual uint8_t getConfigurationItemNameMaxLen()
Parameter Type Description
return value uint8_t The maximum name length


Return the type (SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e) (BOOL, FLOAT, INT, etc.) for this configuration item.

virtual bool getConfigurationItemType(uint8_t configItem, SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e *type)
Parameter Type Description
configItem uint8_t The configuration item index
type SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e * Pointer to the enum which will hold the configuration type
return value bool true if the sensor exists, otherwise false


Read the sensor configuration item with index configItem and store it in value.

virtual bool getConfigurationItem(uint8_t configItem, SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Every_Type_t *value)
Parameter Type Description
configItem uint8_t The configuration item index
value SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Every_Type_t * Pointer to the struct which will hold the value
return value bool true if successful, otherwise false


Apply the value in value to the sensor configuration item with index configItem.

virtual bool setConfigurationItem(uint8_t configItem, SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Every_Type_t *value)
Parameter Type Description
configItem uint8_t The configuration item index
value SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Every_Type_t * Pointer to the struct containing the value
return value bool true if successful, otherwise false

Helper Methods


This method is responsible for deleting (freeing) all dynamic memory used by the SFE_QUAD_Sensor object. It is called by the destructor.

virtual void deleteSensorStorage(void)

Member Variables

Parameter Type Description
_sensorAddress uint8_t The I2C address of this sensor
_muxAddress uint8_t The I2C address of the mux this sensor is connected to, 0 is none
_muxPort uint8_t The mux port number this sensor is connected to, 0 if none
_classPtr void * A pointer to the Arduino Library class instance for this sensor
_next SFE_QUAD_Sensor * A pointer to the next sensor in the linked-list
_logSense bool * A dynamic array of bool indicating if individual senses are enabled for logging
_customInitializePtr void (*)() A pointer to the custom initializer for this sensor, NULL if none
_sprintf SFE_QUAD_Sensors_sprintf An instance of SFE_QUAD_Sensors_sprintf to aid printing of double and exponent data

Data Types


As the name suggests, this structure contains one of every data type used by the underlying Arduino Libraries. It allows values to be passed between classes in a homogeneous, non-type-specific way. The data type is defined by the associated SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Setting_Type_e enum.

    typedef struct
        bool BOOL;
        float FLOAT;
        double DOUBLE;
        int INT;
        uint8_t UINT8_T;
        uint16_t UINT16_T;
        uint32_t UINT32_T;
    } SFE_QUAD_Sensor_Every_Type_t;
Member Type Description
BOOL bool A bool
FLOAT float A float
DOUBLE double A double
INT int An int
UINT8_T uint8_t A uint8_t
UINT16_T uint16_t A uint16_t
UINT32_T uint32_t A uint32_t