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API Reference for the SFE_QUAD_Sensors class

Methods to setup, configure and query the SFE_QUAD_Sensor object:

  • Return a pointer to the specified sensor class so it can be added to the linked-list of sensors
  • Define which Wire port will be used
  • Define which Serial port will be used for the built-in menus
  • Detect which sensors are attached
  • Begin those sensors
  • Initialize those sensors (if required)
  • Get the sense readings from all enabled sensors
  • Get the names of all enabled sensors
  • Get the names of all enabled senses
  • Define a custom initializer for a sensor (if required / desired)
  • Determine if a sensor exists
  • Open the logging menu
  • Open the setting menu
  • Get the sensor and menu configuration in text format
  • Apply configuration settings to the sensors and menus

Brief Overview

The SFE_QUAD_Sensors class allows a linked-list of individual SFE_QUAD_Sensor objects to be generated and maintained.

A SFE_QUAD_Sensors object contains a pointer to a SFE_QUAD_Sensor named _head. _head the the head (start) of a linked-list of SFE_QUAD_Sensor objects.

_head is NULL initially. After calling detectSensors, it contains the address of the first SFE_QUAD_Sensor in the linked-list.

Each SFE_QUAD_Sensor contains a pointer named _next which points to the next SFE_QUAD_Sensor in the linked-list.

The _next of the final SFE_QUAD_Sensor in the list is NULL.

The possible (known) sensor types are defined in the enum SFEQUADSensorType.

detectSensors discovers which individual sensors are attached on the selected Wire port and adds them to the linked-list. detectSensors has built-in Qwiic Mux support and will discover all muxes, and all sensors connected to the ports on those muxes.

beginSensors will call the .begin method of each attached sensor in turn.

initializeSensors will perform any additional initialization (if any) required by those sensors.

It is possible to override the initialization code for each sensor type, or individual sensor objects, by calling setCustomInitialize. (You must call setCustomInitialize before initialzeSensors.)

loggingMenu and settingMenu are methods which open built-in menus to:

  • Configure which senses on each sensor are enabled for logging
  • Call any settings methods the sensors may have (if any)

The sense readings are stored in a dynamic char array named readings. The enabled senses are read with getSensorReadings. Memory for readings is allocated dynamically (using new). The memory is freed automatically by the class destructor. The class has been checked for memory leaks - see Example5.

The names of all enabled sensors, together with their I2C and Mux addresses (if any), can be read with getSensorNames. The names are returned in readings.

The names of all enabled senses can be read with getSenseNames. The names are returned in readings.

The sensor and menu configuration can be stored temporarily in a dynamic char array named configuration. The text CSV configuration is written to storage and read from storage by the individual classes for EEPROM, LittleFS, SD and SdFat:

  • SFE_QUAD_Sensors__EEPROM
  • SFE_QUAD_Sensors__LittleFS
  • SFE_QUAD_Sensors__SD
  • SFE_QUAD_Sensors__SdFat

Those classes provide additional methods named writeConfigurationToStorage, readConfigurationFromStorage etc. which write and read configuration to and from the appropriate storage medium.

Initialization / Configuration


This method is called to set the I2C Wire (TwoWire) port to which the sensors are connected.

void setWirePort(TwoWire &port)
Parameter Type Description
port TwoWire & The Wire port


This method is called to enable debugging messages on the chosen Stream (usually a Serial port).

void enableDebugging(Stream &port)
Parameter Type Description
port Stream & The Stream (Serial port)

There is no method to disable the debug messages. The messages can be disabled by setting _printDebug to false:

mySensors._printDebug = false;

This method also enables debug messages on the theMenu object. The menu debug messages can be changed / disabled with the theMenu.setDebugPort method.


This method sets the Stream (usually a Serial port) for the built-in menus.

void setMenuPort(Stream &port)
Parameter Type Description
port Stream & The Stream (Serial port)

Sensor Factory


This method is used internally by the detectSensors method. It returns a pointer to a new instance of a SFE_QUAD_Sensor for the selected type.

SFE_QUAD_Sensor *sensorFactory(SFEQUADSensorType type)
Parameter Type Description
type SFEQUADSensorType The enumerated type of the sensor
return value SFE_QUAD_Sensor * A pointer to the new sensor instance

Sensor Detection / Initialization


This method discovers which individual sensors are attached on the selected Wire port. It has built-in Qwiic Mux support and will discover all muxes, and all sensors connected to the ports on those muxes.

The detected sensors are stored internally as a linked-list, pointed to by _head.

bool detectSensors(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if the Wire port is not defined or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method begins all detected sensors using each sensor's individual .begin method.

bool beginSensors(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method initializes any detected sensors if required:

  • only if the library contains initialization code for that sensor type
  • and/or a custom initializer has been defined for that individual sensor or sensor type
bool initializeSensors(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method defines custom initialization code for all instances of sensorName.

bool setCustomInitialize(void (*pointer)(uint8_t sensorAddress, TwoWire &port, void *_classPtr), const char *sensorName)
Parameter Type Description
pointer void (*)() The address of the custom initialization method
sensorName const char * The name of the sensor type
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected, otherwise true

The parameters for the custom initializer method are:

Parameter Type Description
sensorAddress uint8_t The I2C address of this sensor
port TwoWire & The Wire port this sensor is connected to
_classPtr void * A pointer to the class for this sensor type
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected, otherwise true

Please see Example4_CustomInitialization for more details.


This method defines custom initialization code for the instance of sensorName at the specified mux address and port.

bool setCustomInitialize(void (*pointer)(uint8_t sensorAddress, TwoWire &port, void *_classPtr), const char *sensorName, uint8_t i2cAddress, uint8_t muxAddress, uint8_t muxPort)
Parameter Type Description
pointer void (*)() The address of the custom initialization method
sensorName const char * The name of the sensor type
i2cAddress uint8_t The I2C address of the target sensor
muxAddress uint8_t The I2C address of the mux the sensor is connected to. The default value is 0 (no mux)
muxPort uint8_t The mux port the sensor is connected to. The default value is 0 (no mux)
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected, otherwise true

The parameters for the custom initializer method are:

Parameter Type Description
sensorAddress uint8_t The I2C address of this sensor
port TwoWire & The Wire port this sensor is connected to
_classPtr void * A pointer to the class for this sensor type

Please see Example4_CustomInitialization for more details.

Sensor Names and Readings


This method collects the readings from all enabled senses on all enabled sensors. The readings are returned in the dynamic char array readings in CSV format.

bool getSensorReadings(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method collects the names of all enabled sensors (for all enabled senses). The names are returned in the dynamic char array readings in CSV format.

bool getSensorNames(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method collects the names of all enabled senses (for all enabled sensors). The names are returned in the dynamic char array readings in CSV format.

bool getSenseNames(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method opens the logging menu on the specified Stream (Serial port) to set the configuration of which sensors and senses are enabled or disabled for logging.

bool loggingMenu(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or the Stream is undefined, otherwise true (when the menu is closed)


This method opens the setting menu on the specified Stream (Serial port) to apply settings to any sensors which have them.

bool settingMenu(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors have been detected or the Stream is undefined or the detected sensors have no settings, otherwise true (when the menu is closed)

Sensor and Menu Configuration


This method assembles the combined sensor and menu configuration in text CSV format so it can be written to storage media by the appropriate class.

The configuration is returned in the dynamic char array configuration.

bool getSensorAndMenuConfiguration(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors or menu items are found or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true


This method applies the configuration in the dynamic char array configuration to the sensors and menu linked-list.

The configuration must be read from storage media by the appropriate class before applySensorAndMenuConfiguration is called.

The configuration is stored in media in text CSV format.

bool applySensorAndMenuConfiguration(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value bool false if no sensors are found or a memory-allocation error occurred, otherwise true

Helper Methods


This method steps through the sensor linked-list, starting at _head, checking if the specified sensor exists. If it does, it returns a pointer to its SFE_QUAD_Sensor instance.

SFE_QUAD_Sensor *sensorExists(const char *sensorName, uint8_t i2cAddress, uint8_t muxAddress, uint8_t muxPort)
Parameter Type Description
sensorName const char * The name of the sensor type
i2cAddress uint8_t The I2C address of the target sensor
muxAddress uint8_t The I2C address of the mux the sensor is connected to. The default value is 0 (no mux)
muxPort uint8_t The mux port the sensor is connected to. The default value is 0 (no mux)
return value SFE_QUAD_Sensor * A pointer to the SFE_QUAD_Sensor instance, NULL otherwise


This method is used by settingMenu and loggingMenu to select one of the menu items.

uint32_t getMenuChoice(unsigned long timeout)
Parameter Type Description
timeout unsigned long The menu timeout in milliseconds
return value uint32_t The menu choice (>= 1). 0 if the timeout expires


This method is used by settingMenu and loggingMenu. The user enters a double value. Exponent-format entries are accepted. (settingMenu and loggingMenu will cast the double to the required type.)

bool getSettingValueDouble(double *value, unsigned long timeout)
Parameter Type Description
value double * A pointer to the double to hold the value
timeout unsigned long The menu timeout in milliseconds
return value bool false if no input is received or the Stream is undefined, otherwise true

Member Variables

Parameter Type Description
_head SFE_QUAD_Sensor * The head (start) of the linked-list of SFE_QUAD_Sensor objects
readings char * Pointer to a dynamic char array which holds the sensor readings, names or sense names in CSV format
configuration char * Pointer to a dynamic char array which holds the sensor and menu configuration
_printDebug bool true is debug messages are to be printed to _debugPort, false otherwise
_i2cPort TwoWire * Pointer to the Wire port for I2C communication
_menuPort Stream * Pointer to the Stream (Serial port) for the built-in menus
_debugPort Stream * Pointer to the Stream (Serial port) for the debug messages (if enabled)
theMenu SFE_QUAD_Menu Instance of SFE_QUAD_Menu which can be used to create additional menus
_sprintf SFE_QUAD_Sensors_sprintf Instance of SFE_QUAD_Sensors_sprintf to aid printing of doubles and exponent-format data