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API Reference for the SFE_QUAD_Sensors_sprintf class

Helper methods to support printing of double and exponent-format data.

Helper Methods


Convert double to string (included because not all platforms support dtostrf correctly).

It is the calling method's responsibility to ensure buffer is large enough to contain the complete string.

char *_dtostrf(double value, char *buffer)
Parameter Type Description
value double The double to be converted to string
buffer char * A pointer to a char array to hold the text
return value char * A pointer to the char after the final one printed


Convert double to ASCII text using exponent format.

It is the calling method's responsibility to ensure buffer is large enough to contain the complete string.

char *_etoa(double value, char *buffer)
Parameter Type Description
value double The double to be converted to string
buffer char * A pointer to a char array to hold the text
return value char * A pointer to the char after the final one printed


Convert exponent-format string to double.

bool expStrToDouble(const char *str, double *value)
Parameter Type Description
str const char * A pointer to the string to be converted
value double * A pointer to the double which will hold the result
return value bool true if the conversion was successful, false otherwise


Set the precision (number of decimal places) to be used by _dtostrf and _etoa.

Set this before calling mySensors.detectSensors();:

  • mySensors._sprintf.setPrecision(5);
void setPrecision(unsigned char prec)
Parameter Type Description
prec unsigned char The precision


Returns the current precision.

unsigned char getPrecision(void)
Parameter Type Description
return value unsigned char The precision

Member Variables

Parameter Type Description
_prec unsigned char The precision (number of decimal places) to be printed