Configure with Browser
- EVK:
- Facet mosaic:
- Postcard:
- Torch:
SparkFun RTK WiFi Configuration Interface
During browser configuration, the RTK device will present a webpage that is viewable from a desktop, laptop, or cell phone. This is available over WiFi for all devices and ethernet for some (RTK EVK only). For advanced configurations, a desktop is recommended. For quick in-field changes, a cell phone works great.
Desktop vs Phone display size configuration
To get into browser configuration follow these steps:
Ensure that an ethernet cable is plugged in and/or the WiFi / Bluetooth antenna is attached, then connect the RTK EVK to a power source.
SparkFun RTK Mode Menu -
Once the device has started, put the RTK EVK into WiFi config mode by clicking the Mode button on the front panel. The first click opens the mode menu, successive clicks select the next menu option. Keep clicking until Config is highlighted, then do a quick double-click to select it.
The display will change, showing that the EVK is in configuration mode.
If connecting over ethernet, open a browser and connect to the IP address shown on the display.
Browser with rtk.local -
If connecting over WiFi, then connect to WiFi network named ‘RTK Config’. You should be automatically re-directed to the config page but if you are not, open a browser (Chrome is preferred) and type rtk.local into the address bar.
Upon connecting, your phone may warn you that this WiFi network has no internet. That's ok. Stay connected to the network and open a browser. If you still have problems turn off Mobile Data so that the phone does not default to cellular for internet connectivity and instead connects to the RTK Device.
RTK Postcard
To get into browser configuration follow these steps:
Connect the RTK Postcard to a power source.
SparkFun RTK Mode Menu -
Once the device has started, put the RTK Postcard into browser config mode by clicking down on the directional pad. The first click opens the mode menu, successive clicks select the next menu option. Keep clicking until Config is highlighted, then press the center of the directional pad to select it.
The display will change, showing that the device is in configuration mode.
Connect to the WiFi network named ‘RTK Config’.
Upon connecting, your phone may warn you that this WiFi network has no internet. That's ok. Stay connected to the network and open a browser. If you still have problems turn off Mobile Data so that the phone does not default to cellular for internet connectivity and instead connects to the RTK Device.
Browser with rtk.local
- You should be automatically re-directed to the config page but if you are not, open a browser (Chrome is preferred) and type rtk.local into the address bar.
RTK Torch
To get into browser configuration follow these steps:
- Power on the RTK Torch
- Once the device has started press the Power Button twice within 1 second (double tap).
The device will beep twice indicating it is waiting for incoming connections.
Connect to WiFi network named ‘RTK Config’.
Upon connecting, your phone may warn you that this WiFi network has no internet. That's ok. Stay connected to the network and open a browser. If you still have problems turn off Mobile Data so that the phone does not default to cellular for internet connectivity and instead connects to the RTK Device.
Browser with rtk.local
- You should be automatically re-directed to the config page but if you are not, open a browser (Chrome is preferred) and type rtk.local into the address bar.
Continue with Connecting to WiFi network.
Connecting to WiFi Network
The WiFi network RTK Config as seen from a cellphone
Upon connecting, your phone may warn you that this WiFi network has no internet. That's ok. Stay connected to the network and open a browser. If you still have problems turn off Mobile Data so that the phone does not default to cellular for internet connectivity and instead connects to the RTK Device.
Connected to the RTK WiFi Setup Page
Clicking on the category tab will open or close that section. Clicking on an ‘i’ will give you a brief description of the options within that section.
This unit has firmware version 1.0 and a UM980 GNSS receiver
The firmware for the RTK device and the firmware for the GNSS receiver is shown at the top of the page. This can be helpful when troubleshooting or requesting new features.
File Manager
- EVK:
- Facet mosaic:
- Postcard:
- Torch:
On devices that support an external SD card, a file manager is shown if an SD card is detected. This is a handy way to download files to a local device (cell phone or laptop) as well as delete any unneeded files. The SD size and free space are shown. Files may be uploaded to the SD card if needed.
Additionally, clicking on the top checkbox will select all files for easy removal of a large number of files.
On the RTK Facet mosaic, the SD card is connected directly to the mosaic-X5 GNSS and is not easily accessible from the ESP32. File transfer through the RTK Everywhere Firmware is not currenty supported.
Saving and Exit
Once settings are input, please press ‘Save Configuration’. This will validate any settings, show any errors that need adjustment, and send the settings to the unit. The page will remain active until the user presses ‘Exit and Reset’ at which point the unit will exit WiFi configuration and return to whichever mode was selected in the System Configuration tab System Initial State drop-down (Base, Rover or NTP).