Corrections Priorities
Torch: / EVK:
RTK Corrections Priorities Menu
To achieve an RTK Fix, SparkFun RTK products must be provided with a correction source. An RTK device can obtain corrections from a variety of sources. Below is the list of possible sources (not all platforms support all sources) and their default priorities. These defaults generally follow the rule that a shorter baseline between Rover and Base leads to more accurate, and therefore more valuable, correction data:
- External Radio (100m OSR Baseline)
- ESP-Now (100m OSR Baseline)
- LoRa Radio (1km OSR Baseline)
- Bluetooth (10+km OSR/SSR Baseline)
- USB (10+km OSR/SSR Baseline)
- TCP (NTRIP) (10+km OSR/SSR Baseline)
- L-Band (100km SSR Baseline)
- IP (PointPerfect/MQTT) (100+km SSR Baseline)
The Corrections Priorities menu allows a user to specify which correction source should be given priority. For example, if corrections are provided through ESP-NOW and IP PointPerfect simultaneously, the corrections from IP PointPerfect will be discarded because the ESP-NOW source has a higher priority. This prevents the RTK engine from receiving potentially mixed correction signals.
In the serial terminal menu, pressing a letter will increase or decrease the position of a priority. For example, in the image above, pressing G will raise the L-Band
priority above TCP (NTRIP)
Additionally, this menu gives visibility into which corrections are currently being received and utilized (marked with the *) by the RTK engine.
The Correction source lifetime in seconds setting dictates how many seconds an active source must be silent before it is marked as inactive.
In the web config page:
- Clicking a source increases its priority
- Clicking the highest priority source makes it the lowest priority
- Clicking 'Reset to Defaults' will restore the priorities to their default setting
- Click 'Save Configuration', then 'Exit and Reset' to save the changes
Please see Correction Sources for a description of where to obtain corrections.