Firmware Update


The following instructions were taken from the UPrecise User Manual: 2.2.11 Receiver Upgrade. For more information about how to use UPrecise software, make sure to check out the user manual.


At the time of writing, UPrecise Version 2.0 was used. Note that the GUI appearance and features may change upon future releases.

You can update your firmware (they call this a firmware upgrade in the manual) using Unicore's UPrecise software. Make sure to check Unicore's UM980 product page, download center, or contact Unicore Communications for any firmware releases.

We'll assume that you have the firmware downloaded at this point and connected to the UM980. With UPrecise open, click on the menu with the triple bar () near the upper left of the window to expand the menu.

UPrecise Software: COM Port Connected

The menu should expand with text next to each icon.

UPrecise Software: Menu Expanded

Click on the Receiver Upgrade button. The following window should open up.

UPrecise Software: Receiver Upgrade

Click the Select upgrade file button. Head to the folder where you downloaded the firmware and select the file. The extension should be a *pkg file. In this case, there was a copy of the firmware in the Update Firmware Unicore GNSS Receiver Repo named "UM980_R4.10Build11833.pkg". Older firmware versions that were used SparkFun products were moved to the Old Firmware folder.

UPrecise Software: Select File

Select the GNSS receiver that will be receiving the firmware update. In this case it was Receiver1. While we are at it, select either the "Soft reset" or "Hard reset". While updating, the module will need to be reset and this selection will determine the reset method. Let's select the "Soft Reset" and have UPrecise reset the module.

UPrecise Software: Select Receiver and Reset Method

When ready, hit the "Start" button!

UPrecise Software: Firmware Update in Progress with Soft Reset Method


Make sure to pay attention to the progress bar! You'll want to avoid any interruptions while the firmware is updating as this will cause the upgrade to fail.


If you have issues updating the software with the reset method chosen, try exiting the Receiver Upgrade menu by hitting the "x" button. Then disconnect and reconnect the module by selecting the "Connect" button. You will then need to open the Receiver Upgrade window again before hitting the "Start" button.

Once the firmware has been updated, you will notice that the progress bar is at 100% and a message indicating that the firmware upgrade succeeded and finished. You can exit out of the window by clicking on the "x" button.

UPrecise Software: Receiver Upgrade Finished