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SparkFun IoT Node - LoRaWAN Firmware

SparkFun IoT Node - LoRaWAN

Firmware and associated Documentation and Firmware for the SparkFun IoT Node - LoRaWAN product

This repository contains the latest firmware for the SparkFun IoT Node - LoRaWAN development board. While the IoT Node - LoRaWAN development board is programmable using Arduino, the IoT Node - LoRa board ships with a firmware application that enables rapid sensor definition and deployment on a Digi LoRaWAN XON network. This repository contains the source for this LoRaWAN application and well as firmware releases.

The IoT Node - LoRaWAN firmware is pre-programmed to automatically log data from 25+ SparkFun Qwiic sensors, all without requiring any hardware setup or code development. Just plug in a qwiic board, and log data to the LoRaWAN network. The IoT Node - LoRaWAN board automatically detects the connected sensor, configures the device and enables logging to the serial console and, if connected, to the Digi LoRaWAN network.

The SparkFun IoT Node - LoRaWAN board and firmware are designed to enable posting data to the LoRaWAN network within minutes, requiring no development or configuration. The SparkFun IoT Node - LoRaWAN board is configured to work with the Dig LoRaWAN network. Once the board is registered with your Digi XON account (via the on-board digital data tag - which is similar to a QR code), the board with this firmware should automatically connect to your Digi LoRaWAN account. Connect a supported qwiic sensor and data is automatically posted to the LoRaWAN network.

The IoT Node - LoRaWAN firmware is highly configurable via an easily to use serial interface. Simply plug in a USB C cable and open a terminal at 115200 Kbps. By default the logging output is automatically streamed to the serial terminal - pressing any key will bring up the menu system.

Latest Firmware


Supported Products

Latest Release

Details on the latest Firmware release are listed on the Release Page

Hardware Overview

Hardware Hookup

Arduino Example


General Troubleshooting Help

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