Python for SFE Qwiic PiServoHat
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pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat Class Reference

SparkFun PiServoHat Initialise the qwiic_pca9685 python module at address with i2c_driver. More...

Inheritance diagram for pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, address=None, debug=None, min_pt=1, max_pt=2)
 This method initializes the class object. More...
def is_connected (self)
 Is an I2C connection established with the device? More...
def restart (self)
 Soft resets the chip and then clears the MODE1 register to restart the PWM functionality. More...
def get_pwm_frequency (self)
 Reads the PWM frequency used on outputs. More...
def set_pwm_frequency (self, frequency=None)
 Configures the PWM frequency used on outputs. More...
def get_pulse_time (self)
 Reads and returns the current min and max pulse times for servo movement. More...
def set_pulse_time (self, min_pulse_time, max_pulse_time)
 Updates the minimum and maximum pulse widths for the servos. More...
def move_servo_position (self, channel, position, swing=None)
 Moves servo to specified location in degrees. More...
def set_duty_cycle (self, channel, duty_cycle)
 Moves servo to specified location based on duty-cycle. More...
def get_servo_position (self, channel, swing=None)
 Reads the specified location for the servo in degrees. More...
def sleep (self)
 Set the SLEEP bit to 1, which will unpower the servos. More...
def wake (self)
 Set the SLEEP bit to 0, which will power the servos. More...

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

 device_name = _DEFAULT_NAME
 available_addresses = _AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS
int gcAddr = 0x00
int acAddr = 0x70
int subAddr_1 = 0x71
int subAddr_2 = 0x72
int subAddr_3 = 0x74

Detailed Description

SparkFun PiServoHat Initialise the qwiic_pca9685 python module at address with i2c_driver.

addressThe I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the default address is used.
i2c_driverAn existing i2c driver object. If not provided a driver object is created.
Bool Constructor Initialization True- Successful False- Issue loading I2C driver

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.__init__ (   self,
  address = None,
  debug = None,
  min_pt = 1,
  max_pt = 2 

This method initializes the class object.

If no 'address' or 'i2c_driver' are inputed or 'None' is specified, the method will use the defaults.

addressThe I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the method will default to the first address in the 'available_addresses' list. Default = 0x40
debugDesignated whether or not to print debug statements. 0- Don't print debug statements 1- Print debug statements
min_ptThe minimum pulse time of the servos in milliseconds. If not provided, default to 1 ms
max_ptThe maximum pulse time of the servos in milliseconds. If not provided, default to 2 ms

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_pulse_time()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.get_pulse_time (   self)

Reads and returns the current min and max pulse times for servo movement.

Returns: tuple: The minimum and maximum pulse times in milliseconds

◆ get_pwm_frequency()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.get_pwm_frequency (   self)

Reads the PWM frequency used on outputs.

50 Hz is recommended for most servos.

Integer PWM Frequency Range: 24 Hz to 1526 Hz

◆ get_servo_position()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.get_servo_position (   self,
  swing = None 

Reads the specified location for the servo in degrees.

channelChannel of Servo to Control Range: 0 to 15
swingRange of Servo Movement 90- 90 Degree Servo 180- 180 Degree Servo
Float Esitmated Position (Degrees)

◆ is_connected()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.is_connected (   self)

Is an I2C connection established with the device?

Bool Device Connection Status True- Connected False- Not Connected

◆ move_servo_position()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.move_servo_position (   self,
  swing = None 

Moves servo to specified location in degrees.

channelChannel of Servo to Control Range: 0 to 15
positionPosition (Degrees) Range: Open, but should between 0 and specified servo 'swing'. The range is not regulated because most servos have extra room for play (i.e. a 90 degree servo may have a +120 degree usable swing). If 'None' is specified, the default setting is 90 degrees.
swingRange of Servo Movement 90- 90 Degree Servo 180- 180 Degree Servo

◆ restart()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.restart (   self)

Soft resets the chip and then clears the MODE1 register to restart the PWM functionality.

The PWM frequency is returned to the default 50 Hz setting.

◆ set_duty_cycle()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.set_duty_cycle (   self,

Moves servo to specified location based on duty-cycle.

channelChannel of Servo to Control Range: 0 to 15
duty_cycleDuty-Cycle (Percentage) Float Range: 0 to 100 (%) Resolution: 1/4096

◆ set_pulse_time()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.set_pulse_time (   self,

Updates the minimum and maximum pulse widths for the servos.

Args: min_pulse_time (float): The new minimum pulse width in ms max_pulse_time (float): The new maximum pulse width in ms

Returns: bool: Returns true if update was successful, false if an error was encountered

◆ set_pwm_frequency()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.set_pwm_frequency (   self,
  frequency = None 

Configures the PWM frequency used on outputs.

50 Hz is the default and recommended for most servos.

frequencyPWM Frequency Range: 24 Hz to 1526 Hz
Bool Function Operation True- Successful False- Issue in Execution

NOTE: Changing PWM frequency affects timing for servo positioning. Additionally, the servo position needs to be reset for the output control (on all channels). The output on all channels is initially turned off after the frequency change, but is re-enabled after any of the channels is reconfigured. However, the new PWM frequency will be in affect, so the timing of the outputs on the other channels will be off. (i.e. if a PWM frequency is doubled; the timing of that signal may be halfed.)

◆ sleep()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.sleep (   self)

Set the SLEEP bit to 1, which will unpower the servos.

This preserves the life of the servos.

◆ wake()

def pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.wake (   self)

Set the SLEEP bit to 0, which will power the servos.

Member Data Documentation

◆ acAddr

int pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.acAddr = 0x70

◆ address


◆ available_addresses

pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.available_addresses = _AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS

◆ available_pwm_channels


◆ debug


◆ device_name

pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.device_name = _DEFAULT_NAME

◆ frequency

pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.frequency = _DEFAULT_SERVO_FREQUENCY

◆ gcAddr

int pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.gcAddr = 0x00

◆ maximum_pulse_width


◆ minimum_pulse_width


◆ PCA9685


◆ subAddr_1

int pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.subAddr_1 = 0x71

◆ subAddr_2

int pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.subAddr_2 = 0x72

◆ subAddr_3

int pi_servo_hat.PiServoHat.subAddr_3 = 0x74

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