def | __init__ (self, address=None, i2c_driver=None) |
def | begin (self) |
| Checks that communication can be made with the QwiicKX132 by checking the WHO_AM_I register. More...
def | get_accel_data (self) |
| Retrieves acceleration data and converts it, and stores it. More...
def | conv_accel_data (self) |
| Converts raw acceleration data according to the range setting and stores it. More...
def | __init__ (self, address=None, i2c_driver=None) |
def | is_connected (self) |
| Determine if a KX13X device is conntected to the system. More...
def | beginCore (self) |
| Initialize the operation of the KX13X module. More...
def | initialize (self, settings=DEFAULT_SETTINGS) |
| Initialize configures the accelerometer's registers into a number of different modes: asyncronous, hardware trigger, software trigger, and buffer. More...
def | run_command_test (self) |
| This function runs the self test built into the accelerometer. More...
def | enable_accel (self, enable=True) |
| This functions controls the accelerometers power on and off state. More...
def | accel_control (self, enable=True) |
| Same as above enable_accel(), but with a different name to preserve backwards compatibility. More...
def | get_accel_state (self) |
| Retrieves the state of the accelerometer: on or off. More...
def | set_range (self, kx13x_range) |
| Sets the range reported by the accelerometer. More...
def | set_output_data_rate (self, rate) |
| Sets the rate at which the accelerometer outputs data. More...
def | get_output_data_rate (self) |
| Gets the accelerometers output data rate. More...
def | set_interrupt_pin (self, enable, polarity=0, pulse_width=0, latch_control=False) |
| Sets all of whether the data ready bit is reported to the hardware interrupt pin, the polarity of the signal (HIGH or LOW), the width of the pulse, and how the interrupt is cleared. More...
def | route_hardware_interrupt (self, rdr, pin=1) |
| Determines which interrupt is reported: freefall, buffer full, watermark, data ready, back to sleep, tap/double tap, wakeup or tilt. More...
def | enable_phys_interrupt (self, enable=True, pin=1) |
| Enables interrupts to be routed to the interrupt pins. More...
def | clear_interrupt (self) |
| Clears the interrupt. More...
def | data_ready (self) |
| Reads the register indicating whether data is ready to be read. More...
def | data_trigger (self) |
| Same as above data_ready(), but with a different name to preserve backwards compatibility. More...
def | set_buffer_threshold (self, threshold) |
| Sets how many samples are stored in the buffer. More...
def | set_buffer_operation_and_resolution (self, operation_mode, resolution=True) |
| Sets the mode and resolution of the samples stored in the buffer. More...
def | set_buffer_operation (self, operation_mode, resolution) |
| Same as above set_buffer_operation_and_resolution(), but with a different name to preserve backwards compatibility. More...
def | enable_buffer_and_interrupt (self, enable=True, enable_interrupt=True) |
| Enables the buffer and whether the buffer triggers an interrupt when full. More...
def | get_raw_accel_data (self) |
| Retrieves the raw register values representing accelerometer data. More...
def | get_raw_accel_buffer_data (self, sixteenBit=-1) |
| Retrieves the raw buffer values representing accelerometer data. More...
def | software_reset (self) |
| Resets the accelerometer. More...
def | enable_data_engine (self, enable=True) |
| Enables the data ready bit. More...
def | enable_tap_engine (self, enable=True) |
| Enables the tap and double tap features of the accelerometers. More...
def | enable_direct_tap_interrupt (self, enable=True) |
| Enables reporting on the direction of the latest generated tap. More...
def | tap_detected (self) |
| Checks the tap interrupt bit indicating that a tap has been detected. More...
def | get_direction (self) |
| If the tap direction bit is enabled, this register will report the direction of the detected tap. More...
def | unknown_tap (self) |
| if the accelerometer is unsure whether it has in fact detected a tap, it will report an "unknown" state. More...
def | double_tap_detected (self) |
| Checks the double tap interrupt bit indicating that a double tap has been detected. More...
def | get_sample_level (self) |
| Gets the number of samples in the Buffer. More...