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Did we make a mistake?

Spot something wrong? Please let us know.

Discrepancies in the Documentation

All of this documentation can be modified by you! Please help us make it better.

Spot something wrong?

If a section of the documentation is incorrect, please open an issue and let us know.

Do you have a suggested correction?

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add your corrections or improvements to the markdown file
  3. File a pull request with your changes, and enjoy making the words worlds world a better place.
    • Once received, the documentation specialist will automatically be notified.
    • We will review your suggested improvements to make sure they are correct and fit within our documentation standards.

Problems in the Hardware Design

All of our designs are open-source! Please help us make it better.

Does something not make sense?

If part of the design is confusing, please open an issue and let us know.

Did we forget to include an important function of the board?

  • Please keep in mind that we may intentionally exclude certain functions of the board to meet our product design requirements. (For example, our Qwiic Micro boards are intended to fit on a small board layout and only use I2C communincation; therefore, we may not have the SPI and interrupt pins available for users.)
  • If part of the board's functionality is missing, please open an issue and file a feature request.

Do you wish to contribute directly to improving the board design?

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add your design improvements
  3. File a pull request with your changes, and enjoy making the words worlds world a better place.
    • Once received, the engineer in charge of the original design will automatically be notified.
    • We will review your suggested improvements, if they are within our board design standards and meet our product design requirements, we will flag these changes for our next board revision. (Please note, that even if your suggestion is accepted, these changes may not be immediate. We may have to cycle through our current product inventory first.)