PQMT Commands
Below, are excerpts for a few of the PQTM messages from the GNSS Protocol Specification manual. Users will find these useful for configuring their LG290P GNSS module as an RTK base station or rover.
A full list of PQTM messages (proprietary NMEA messages defined by Quectel) supported by LG290P, is provided in section 2.3. PQTM Messages of the GNSS Protocol Specification manual. This protocol is used to configure or read the settings for the LG290P GNSS module.
List of Proprietary Quectel Messages
Message | Type Mode | Message Description |
PQTMVER | Output | Outputs the firmware version |
PQTMCOLD | Input | Performs a cold start |
PQTMWARM | Input | Performs a warm start |
PQTMHOT | Input | Performs a hot start |
PQTMSRR | Input | Performs a system reset and reboots the receiver |
PQTMUNIQID | Output | Queries the module unique ID |
PQTMSAVEPAR | Input | Saves the configurations into NVM |
PQTMRESTOREPAR | Input | Restores the parameters configured by all commands to their default values |
PQTMVERNO | Output | Queries the firmware version |
PQTMCFGUART | Input/Output | Sets/gets the UART interface |
PQTMCFGPPS | Input/Output | Sets/gets the PPS feature |
PQTMCFGPROT | Input/Output | Sets/gets the input and output protocol for a specified port |
PQTMCFGNMEADP | Input/Output | Sets/gets the decimal places of standard NMEA messages |
PQTMEPE | Output | Outputs the estimated position error |
PQTMCFGMSGRATE | Input/Output | Sets/gets the message output rate on the current interface |
PQTMVEL | Output | Outputs the velocity information |
PQTMCFGGEOFENCE | Input/Output | Sets/gets geofence feature |
PQTMGEOFENCESTATUS | Output | Outputs the geofence status |
PQTMGNSSSTART | Input | Starts GNSS engine |
PQTMGNSSSTOP | Input | Stops GNSS engine |
PQTMTXT | Output | Outputs short text messages |
PQTMCFGSVIN | Input/Output | Sets/gets the Survey-in feature |
PQTMSVINSTATUS | Output | Outputs the Survey-in status |
PQTMPVT | Output | Outputs the PVT (GNSS only) result |
PQTMCFGRCVRMODE | Input/Output | Sets/gets the receiver working mode |
PQTMDEBUGON | Input | Enables debug log output |
PQTMDEBUGOFF | Input | Disables debug log output |
PQTMCFGFIXRATE | Input/Output | Sets/gets the fix interval |
PQTMCFGRTK | Input/Output | Sets/gets the RTK mode |
PQTMCFGCNST | Input/Output | Sets/gets the constellation configuration |
PQTMDOP | Output | Outputs dilution of precision |
PQTMPL | Output | Outputs protection level information |
PQTMCFGODO | Input/Output | Sets/gets the odometer feature |
PQTMRESETODO | Input | Resets the accumulated distance recorded by the odometer |
PQTMODO | Output | Outputs the odometer information |
PQTMCFGSIGNAL | Input/Output | Sets/gets GNSS signal mask |
PQTMCFGSAT | Input/Output | Sets/gets GNSS satellite mask |
PQTMCFGRSID | Input/Output | Sets/gets the reference station ID |
PQTMCFGRTCM | Input/Output | Sets/gets RTCM |
Save Parameters/Restore to Default Settings
Saves the current configurations into NVM of the LG290P
Restores the parameters configured by all commands to their default values; this command takes effect after restarting the LG290P
UART Settings
Configures the serial protocol setting for the UART interfaces
Current UART interface:
A specific UART interface:
Field <Index>
Description UART Interface 1
= UART12
= UART23
Baud Rate (bps) 9600
Number of Data Bits 8
= 8 bits
Parity 0
= No parity1
= Odd parity2
= Even parity3
= Mark4
= Space
Number of Stop Bit(s) 1
= 1 stop bit2
= 2 stop bits
Flow Control 0
= None
Baud Rate
For ports utilized in conjunction with either the BlueSMiRF or radio transceivers, we recommend reducing the baud rate to 115200bps or lower to avoid overflowing the buffers of the transceiver's serial port.
Configure the Settings
Example Settings
- Port:
- Baud Rate: 115200bps
- Data Bits: 8
- Parity: No
- Stop Bits: 1
- Flow Control: None
Configure the baud rate of the current UART interface to 115200bps:
Configure the baud rate of
to 115200bps:Configure all parameters of the current UART interface:
Configure all parameters of
:If there are no errors, users will receive the following response:
Retrieve the Settings
Example Settings
- Port:
- Baud Rate: 115200bps
- Data Bits: 8
- Parity: No
- Stop Bits: 1
- Flow Control: None
Get the configuration on the current UART interface:
Get the configuration on UART1:
If there are no errors, users will receive the following response:
Configures the input/output protocol on a specified port
Field <PortType>
Description Port Type 1
Port ID 1
= UART12
= UART23
Input/Output Protocols ( HEX
: 32-bit)- Bit
= NMEA - Bit
BIN:0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101
Configure the Settings
Example Settings
- Port:
- Input Protocol: NMEA & RTCM3
- Input Protocol: NMEA & RTCM3
Configure the configuration on UART1:
If there are no errors, users will receive the following response:
RTK Settings
Configures a base station's position either by survey-in mode or fixed mode
Field <Mode>
Description Receiver Mode 0
= Disable1
= Survey-in mode2
= Fixed mode
(Position is configured in ECEF coordinates)
Survey-in Mode
Minimum positioning time (seconds)- Range:
- Default:
Survey-in Mode
3D positioning accuracy (meters)0
= No limit- Default:
Fixed Mode
WGS84 ECEF X,Y,Z coordinates (meters)- Default:
RTK Base Station Modes
In order to operate as a base station, the LG290P GNSS module requires an accurate position of its antenna. This can be either defined in ECEF coordinates or acquired through a self-survey process.
- Survey-In Mode: The base station's location is established based on a weighted mean of recent solutions of its position. The
parameters define the shortest amount of time that the position gets surveyed and the maximum standard deviation of the estimated position. - Fixed Mode: The base station's position is provided in ECEF coordinates.
Any error in the base station's location will translate directly into an error in the rover's position.
Configure the Settings
Example Settings
- Mode: Survey-in mode
- Survey Time: 3600 seconds
- 3D Accuracy: 1.2m
- ECEF Coordinates:
- X: -2519265.0514m
- Y: 4849534.9045m
- Z: 3277834.6432m
Configure the configuration on UART1:
If there are no errors, users will receive the following response:
Retrieve the Settings
Example Settings
- Mode: Survey-in mode
- Survey Time: 3600 seconds
- 3D Accuracy: 1.2m
- ECEF Coordinates:
- X: -2519265.0514m
- Y: 4849534.9045m
- Z: 3277834.6432m
Get the configuration on UART1:
If there are no errors, users will receive the following response:
Configures the mode that the receiver is operating in
Field <Mode>
Description Operation mode 0
= Unknown-
= Rover
When set to this mode, the receiver will restore to default NMEA message output state. 2
= Base Station
When set to this mode, the receiver will automatically disable NMEA message output and enable RTCMMSM4
and RTCMv31005
message output.
After switching the module‘s working mode, save the configuration and then reset the module. Otherwise, it will continue to operate in the original mode.
Configure the Settings
Example Settings
- Port ID:
- Input Protocol: NMEA & RTCM3
- Input Protocol: NMEA & RTCM3
Configure the configuration on UART1:
If there are no errors, users will receive the following response:
Configures the operation settings of the RTK mode
Field <DiffMode>
Description Differential Mode 0
= Disable RTK/RTD feature (Differential data is not used)1
= Auto mode2
= RTD only mode (Only pseudoranges is used)
Absolute/Relative Mode 1
= Absolute mode, ensure absolute position accuracy2
= Relative mode, ensure relative position accuracy
and the module enters the RTK only mode.Configure the Settings
Example Settings
- Port ID:
- Input Protocol: NMEA & RTCM3
- Input Protocol: NMEA & RTCM3
Configure the configuration on UART1:
If there are no errors, users will receive the following response: