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Arduino Library Serial Selection

All examples in the SparkFun u-blox Cellular Arduino Library default to use Serial1 for serial communication between the LTE Stick and microcontroller. If your selected microcontroller does not have this serial port, adjust this line to the correct serial port name:

#define mySerial Serial1

Otherwise, you can set up Software Serial by uncommenting the following line and, if necessary, adjusting the pins set for software serial (RX/TX) depending on the software serial library limitations.

// SoftwareSerial mySerial(16, 17);

Test Point Cluster Precautions

Reminder, all the test point clusters on the back of the board (UART2, I2C, and GPIO) are not level shifted and run at 1.8V. Also note these are directly connected to the LARA-R6 and may be damaged by ESD shocks beyond the LARA-R6's ESD rating.

General Troubleshooting


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