Arduino Examples
This example assumes you are using the latest version of the Arduino IDE on your desktop. If this is your first time using the Arduino IDE or board add-on, please review the following tutorials.
If you've never connected an CH340 device to your computer before, you may need to install drivers for the USB-to-serial converter. Check out our section on "How to Install CH340 Drivers" for help with the installation.
You will need either a microcontroller's digital or PWM pin to control the N-channel MOSFET Power Switch. Let's check out a few of the examples below to get started!
Example 1: Switching a Load
In this example, we will turn on and off a load using the N-channel MOSFET every few seconds. The load can be a solenoid, DC motor, or a 12V LED.
Parts Needed
Grab the following quantities of each part listed to build this circuit:
- 1x SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board
- 1x USB-C Cable
- 3x SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side)
- 1x SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 3x M/M Jumper Wires
- 1x Squirrel Cage Blower (12V)
- 1x Ping Pong Ball
- 1x 12V Wall Adapter Power Supply
Hardware Hookup
You will need to connect everything as explained earlier. For this particular example, we will use a squirrel cage blower with a motor as shown in the circuit diagram below. Of course, we are using a generic motor in the circuit diagram to represent the squirrel cage blower.
Your setup should look similar to the image below without the power supply.
Upload Code
To upload code, insert the USB cable into the IoT RedBoard - ESP32.
This example is similar to the built-in Arduino example. From the menu, select the following: File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink. You will need to modify the macro (LED_BUILTIN
) with a digital pin for your microcontroller. Note that the logic is reversed due to the transistor.
Copy the following code and paste it in the Arduino IDE. If you have not already, select your Board (in this case, the SparkFun ESP32 IoT RedBoard), and associated COM port. Then hit the upload button.
Example 1: Switching a Load
Modified By: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
SparkFun Electronics
Date: October 27th, 2023
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This example is based on Arduino's blink example. It has been modified
so that it can be used for the SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 but it can be
used with any Arduino that has a digital pin. The load (solenoid, DC motor,
or 12V LED) will toggle on and off every 5 seconds.
Users can also open the Serial Monitor at 115200 to check on
the status of the load for debugging.
Feel like supporting open source hardware?
Buy a board or component from SparkFun!
SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board:
SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side):
Solenoid - 12V (Latch / Lock):
Hobby Motor - Gear:
Blower - Squirrel Cage (12V):
12V LED RGB Strip - Bare (1m):
Wall Adapter 12V/600mA, (Barrel Jack):
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
//define a pin for the load, you'll need to adjust this
//depending on the microcontroller that you using
const int loadPin = 25;
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
//Initialize Serial for Debugging if there is no built-in LED
Serial.println("Toggling a Load!");
// initialize digital pin as an output.
pinMode(loadPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(loadPin, HIGH); // turn the LOAD off (HIGH is the voltage level)
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(loadPin, LOW); // turn the LOAD ON (LOW is the voltage level)
delay(5000); // wait for a few seconds
digitalWrite(loadPin, HIGH); // turn the LOAD OFF by making the voltage HIGH
delay(5000); // wait for a few seconds
What You Should See
Once the code has uploaded, Once the code has uploaded, disconnect the USB cable from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32. Then insert the barrel jack from a power supply to the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator's barrel jack connector. In this case, we used a 12V wall adapter power supply.
The load will be powered on for 5 seconds before turning back off for another 5 seconds. Compared to the original blink example, the delay is longer to allow enough time for the load to turn on. This will loop forever until you remove power. If necessary, disconnect the 3.3V jumper wire from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32, reconnect the USB cable, and open the Arduino Serial Monitor at 115200 baud for debugging purposes.
Try adjusting the delay or even adding a Qwiic sensor with some code to trigger a load!
Example 2: Toggling a Load with a Button
In this example, we will turn on and off a load using the N-channel MOSFET with a button press. The load can be a solenoid, DC motor, or a 12V LED.
Parts Needed
Grab the following quantities of each part listed to build this circuit:
- 1x SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board
- 1x USB-C Cable
- 3x SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side)
- 1x SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 7x M/M Jumper Wires
- 1x Mini Breadboard
- 1x Momentary Push Button
- 1x Latching Solenoid (12V)
- 1x 12V Wall Adapter Power Supply
Hardware Hookup
You will need to connect everything as explained earlier (with the exception of the momentary push button). For this particular example, we will use a latching solenoid and add a momentary pushbutton as shown in the circuit diagram below.
Your setup should look similar to the image below without the power supply.
Upload Code
To upload code, insert the USB cable into the IoT RedBoard - ESP32.
Copy the following code and paste it in the Arduino IDE. If you have not already, select your Board (in this case, the SparkFun ESP32 IoT RedBoard), and associated COM port. Then hit the upload button.
Example 2: Toggling a Load with a Button
Written By: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
SparkFun Electronics
Date: October 27th, 2023
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This example toggles the load (solenoid, DC motor, or 12V LED)
based on a button press. The status LED will light up at the
same time. This example checks to see if the momentary button
is still being pressed and will only toggle the load when the
button after releasing and pressing down on the button again.
The example was tested on the SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32.
However, it can be used with any Arduino that has a digital pin.
Users can also open the Serial Monitor at 115200 to check on
the status of the button for debugging.
Feel like supporting open source hardware?
Buy a board or component from SparkFun!
SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side):
SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board:
Solenoid - 12V (Latch / Lock):
Hobby Motor - Gear:
Blower - Squirrel Cage (12V):
12V LED RGB Strip - Bare (1m):
Wall Adapter 12V/600mA, (Barrel Jack):
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
// pushbutton 1 pin
const int button1Pin = 4;
boolean button1State = false;
boolean prevbutton1State = false;
boolean currentbutton1State = false;
//define a pin for the load, you'll need to adjust this
//depending on the microcontroller that you using
const int loadPin = 25;
boolean mode = false; //mode to toggle load, set to off at the start
const int ledPin = 18; // built-in LED pin for IoT RedBoard - ESP32
/*Note: Users can also use the macro LED_BUILTIN. Just make sure to comment the line above
and replace "ledPIN" with "LEDBUILTIN"*/
void setup() {
//Initialize Serial for Debugging if there is no built-in LED
Serial.println("Toggling a Load with a Button!");
// Set up the pushbutton pin to be an input with a pull-up resistor:
pinMode(button1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Set up the load pin to be an output and turn it off:
pinMode(loadPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(loadPin, HIGH);
//Set up built-in LED as an OUTPUT and ensure that it is off as well:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
void loop() {
button1State = digitalRead(button1Pin);
//if button is pressed, it will be pulled low
if (button1State == LOW) {
currentbutton1State = true; // button has been pressed once
if (prevbutton1State != currentbutton1State) { //check to see if button is still being pressed
if (mode == false) {
mode = true;
} else {
mode = false;
if (mode == true) {
digitalWrite(loadPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(loadPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
delay(500); //add small delay, you may need to have a bigger delay for button debouncing
} else { //do nothing because finger is still on button
prevbutton1State = currentbutton1State; //update button1 state
//button has not been pressed, it will be high
else {
currentbutton1State = false;
prevbutton1State = currentbutton1State; //update button1 state
What You Should See
Once the code has uploaded, disconnect the USB cable from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32. Then insert the barrel jack from a power supply to the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator's barrel jack connector. In this case, we used a 12V wall adapter power supply.
The load will be powered on as soon as the button is pressed. Releasing and pressing the button again will turn the load off. The built-in LED will light up every time the load is turned on. Of course, there is also a built-in LED on the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator that will light up whenever power is applied to the load as well. If necessary, disconnect the 3.3V jumper wire from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32, reconnect the USB cable, and open the Arduino Serial Monitor at 115200 baud for debugging purposes.
Even though this example used a button to toggle a latching solenoid, you can also use this example to control a DC motor or 12V LED! You can also try using the Qwiic RFID with an RFID tag instead of a button to turn the solenoid on. Just make sure to adjust the example code should you decide to use something else other than a button to contorl your load.
Example 3: Fading
In this example, we will slowly turn on the load and then slowly turn it off using the N-channel MOSFET. This example is better with a DC motor and 12V LED. You will typically want the solenoid to be fully turned on/off.
Parts Needed
Grab the following quantities of each part listed to build this circuit:
- 1x SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board
- 1x USB-C Cable
- 3x SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side)
- 1x SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 3x M/M Jumper Wires
- 1x 12V RGB LED Strip
- 1x 12V Wall Adapter Power Supply
Hardware Hookup
You will need to connect everything as explained earlier. For this particular example, we will use one channel from a 12V RGB LED strip as shown in the circuit diagram below.
Notice that we are using pin 16 to fade the red channel instead of pin 25 on the IoT RedBoard - ESP32.
Your setup should look similar to the image below without the power supply.
Upload Code
To upload code, insert the USB cable into the IoT RedBoard - ESP32.
This example is similar to the built-in Arduino example. From the menu, select the following: File > Examples > 03.Analog > Fading. You will need to modify the defined pin with a PWM pin for your microcontroller. Note that the logic is reversed due to the transistor.
Copy the following code and paste it in the Arduino IDE. If you have not already, select your Board (in this case, the SparkFun ESP32 IoT RedBoard), and associated COM port. Then hit the upload button.
Example 3: Fading
Modified By: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
SparkFun Electronics
Date: October 27th, 2023
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This example is based on Arduino's fade example. It has been modified
so that it can be used for the SparkFun IoT RedBoard- ESP32 but it can be
used with any Arduino that has a PWM pin. The load (DC motor,
or 12V LED) will slowly turn on and off. This code will be more useful for
users connecting a DC motor or nonaddressable LED so that you can partially
turn on/off the load.
Users can also open the Serial Monitor at 115200 to check on
the status of the button for debugging.
Feel like supporting open source hardware?
Buy a board or component from SparkFun!
SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side):
SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board:
Hobby Motor - Gear:
Blower - Squirrel Cage (12V):
12V LED RGB Strip - Bare (1m):
Wall Adapter 12V/600mA, (Barrel Jack):
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
int loadPin = 16;
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
//Initialize Serial for Debugging if there is no built-in LED
Serial.println("Analog fade in and out to slowly turn on/off load!");
// Set up the load pin to be an output and turn it off:
pinMode(loadPin, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(loadPin, 255);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
Serial.println("<===== FADE IN =====>");
// fade in from min to max in increments of 5 points:
for (int fadeValue = 255; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -= 5) {
// sets the value (range from 0 to 255):
analogWrite(loadPin, fadeValue);
// wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect
Serial.println("<===== FADE OUT =====>");
// fade out from max to min in increments of 5 points:
for (int fadeValue = 0; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 5) {
// sets the value (range from 0 to 255):
analogWrite(loadPin, fadeValue);
// wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect
What You Should See
Once the code has uploaded, disconnect the USB cable from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32. Then insert the barrel jack from a power supply to the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator's barrel jack connector. In this case, we used a 12V wall adapter power supply.
The load will slowly turn on and slowly turn off. This will loop forever until power is removed from the board. If necessary, disconnect the 3.3V jumper wire from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32, reconnect the USB cable, and open the Arduino Serial Monitor at 115200 baud for debugging purposes.
While this example was used to turn on one channel of a 12V RGB LED strip, you could also use this example with a DC motor. Try using a potentiometer (or any 3.3V analog sensor) with the map()
function to adjust the speed of the motor.
Example 4: 12V RGB LED Strip
In this example, we will control all three channels of the RGB LED strip. Since we've already hooked up a 12V RGB LED strip before, we will also a circuit with a potentiometer to cycle between each color and a photoresistor to turn on the LEDs whenever the light is below a certain light level. The following example code is based on the SparkFun Inventor's Kit v4.1 Night Light example.
Parts Needed
Grab the following quantities of each part listed to build this circuit:
- 1x SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board
- 1x USB-C Cable
- 3x SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side)
- 1x SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 19x M/M Jumper Wires*
- 1x Breadboard
- 1x 10kΩ Potentiometer with Knob
- 1x Mini Photocell
- 1x 10kΩ Resistor
- 1x 12V RGB LED Strip
- 1x DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Male
- 3x DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Female
- 1x 12V Wall Adapter
* Note
You will need a minimum of 19x M/M jumper wires. Six jumper wires were stripped wires that connect the barrel jacks together for power and reference ground.
Hardware Hookup
For this particular example, we will use three channels from a 12V RGB LED strip while also including a similar circuit from the SparkFun Inventor's Kit v4.1. The circuit diagram is shown below.
When testing the non-addressable LED strip, the pin labeled "G" was actually blue and the "B" was actually green. Depending on the manufacturer, the label may vary. Try testing the LED strip out with a power supply to determine if the letter represents the color.
Keep in mind that instead of the RedBoard with ATmega328P, we are using the IoT RedBoard with ESP32. Since the hardware is different, the following code was modified:
- analog and PWM pins were redefined in the example code
- threshold was modified due to the ADC's higher resolution
- logic is reversed due to the transistors
The IoT RedBoard with ESP32 has a system voltage of 3.3V. Thus, the logic levels is 3.3V instead of 5V on the RedBoard with ATmega328P. Thus, the analog reference voltage for the potentiometer and photoresistor is 3.3V. Make sure you are using 3.3V!
Your setup should look similar to the image below without the power supply.
Upload Code
To upload code, insert the USB cable into the IoT RedBoard - ESP32.
Copy the following code and paste it in the Arduino IDE. If you have not already, select your Board (in this case, the SparkFun ESP32 IoT RedBoard), and associated COM port. Then hit the upload button.
12V RGB LED Nightlight Example
Turns an 12V RGB strip LED on or off based on the light level read by a photoresistor.
Change colors by turning the potentiometer. This example is based off the SparkFun
Inventor's Kit v4.2 RGB Night-Light Example:
Note that instead of the RedBoard with ATmega328P, we are using the IoT RedBoard with ESP32.
Since the hardware is different, the following code was modified:
- analog and PWM pins were redifined
- threshold was modified due to the ADC's higher resolution
- logic is reversed due to the transistors
WARNING: Since the IoT RedBoard with ESP32 has a system voltage of 3.3V, the logic levels
is 3.3V instead of 5V on the RedBoard with ATmega328P. Thus, the analog reference voltage
for the potentiometer and photoresistor is 3.3V. Make sure you are using 3.3V!
This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics, with lots of help from the Arduino community.
This code is completely free for any use.
int photoresistor = A4; //variable for storing the photoresistor value
int potentiometer = A5; //this variable will hold a value based on the position of the knob
int threshold = 3000; //if the photoresistor reading is lower than this value the light will turn on
/*Note: The ESP32's ADC resolution is bigger. The max is 4095. In a bright room
with your finger covering the sensor, the threshold was about 3000. In a dimly
lit room, the threshold was about 1000. You will need to adjust this value when
installing it in a room. Just make sure to make it a little more than the thresholed
of the room. Try adding a button and some code to save the threshold value! */
//LEDs are connected to these pins
int RedPin = 16;
int GreenPin = 17;
int BluePin = 25;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //start a serial connection with the computer
Serial.println("12V RGB LED Strip Nightlight!");
//set the LED pins to output
pinMode(RedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GreenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BluePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
photoresistor = analogRead(A4); //read the value of the photoresistor
potentiometer = analogRead(A5); //read the value of the potentiometer
Serial.print("Photoresistor value:");
Serial.print(photoresistor); //print the photoresistor value to the serial monitor
Serial.print(" Potentiometer value:");
Serial.println(potentiometer); //print the potentiometer value to the serial monitor
if (photoresistor < threshold) { //if it's dark (the photoresistor value is below the threshold) turn the LED on
//These nested if statements check for a variety of ranges and
//call different functions based on the current potentiometer value.
//Those functions are found at the bottom of the sketch.
/*Note: We divided 4095 by 7 colors and had a window of about 585. For users
Adding more colors, try dividing 4095 by the total number and adjust
eac condition statement*/
if (potentiometer > 0 && potentiometer <= 585)
if (potentiometer > 585 && potentiometer <= 1170)
if (potentiometer > 1170 && potentiometer <= 1755)
if (potentiometer > 1755 && potentiometer <= 2340)
if (potentiometer > 2340 && potentiometer <= 2925)
if (potentiometer > 2925 && potentiometer <= 3510)
if (potentiometer > 3510)
else { //if it isn't dark turn the LED off
turnOff(); //call the turn off function
delay(100); //short delay so that the printout is easier to read
void red () {
//set the LED pins to values that make red
analogWrite(RedPin, 0);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 255);
analogWrite(BluePin, 255);
void orange () {
//set the LED pins to values that make orange
analogWrite(RedPin, 0);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 128);
analogWrite(BluePin, 255);
void yellow () {
//set the LED pins to values that make yellow
analogWrite(RedPin, 0);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);
analogWrite(BluePin, 255);
void green () {
//set the LED pins to values that make green
analogWrite(RedPin, 255);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);
analogWrite(BluePin, 255);
void cyan () {
//set the LED pins to values that make cyan
analogWrite(RedPin, 255);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);
analogWrite(BluePin, 0);
void blue () {
//set the LED pins to values that make blue
analogWrite(RedPin, 255);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 255);
analogWrite(BluePin, 0);
void magenta () {
//set the LED pins to values that make magenta
analogWrite(RedPin, 0);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 255);
analogWrite(BluePin, 0);
void turnOff () {
//set all three LED pins to 0 or OFF
analogWrite(RedPin, 255);
analogWrite(GreenPin, 255);
analogWrite(BluePin, 255);
What You Should See
Once the code has uploaded, disconnect the USB cable from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32. Then insert the barrel jack from a power supply to the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator's barrel jack connector. In this case, we used a 12V wall adapter power supply.
The MOSFET Power Switch & Buck Regulator with the wall adapter. Cover the photoresistor with your finger (or just turn off the lights in the room) and turn the potentiometer. You should notice the colors cycling through as the potentiometer is within certain ranges. You will probably want to disconnect the 3.3V jumper wire from the IoT RedBoard - ESP32, reconnect the USB cable, and open the Arduino Serial Monitor at 115200 baud for debugging purposes. That way you can view the serial data and adjust the threshold value based on the lighting in the room.
Now that we have ported the example from the RedBoard Qwiic with an ATmega328P to the RedBoard IoT Development Board - ESP32, try adjusting the condition statement with the potentiometer to add additional colors. Or even writing some code save the threshold value whenever a button is pressed down. You can also try to take advantage of the ESP32's wireless capabilities and adjust the color of the LED strip based on the weather.