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  • SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2350
    SKU: DEV-24870

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  • The SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2350 provides a powerful development platform in SparkFun's compact Pro Micro form factor built around the RP2350 from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This board uses the updated Pro Micro form factor and includes a USB-C connector, Qwiic connector, WS2812B addressable RGB LED, Boot and Reset buttons, resettable PTC fuse as well as PTH and castellated solder pads. This board also includes external memory for the RP2350 with 16MB Flash and 8MB PSRAM both tied to the RP2350's QSPI controller.

    The RP2350 is a unique dual-core microcontroller with two ARM® Cortex® M33 processors and two Hazard3 RISC-V processors, all running at up to 150 MHz! Now, this doesn't mean the RP2350 is a quad-core microcontroller. Instead, users can select which two processors to run on boot instead. You can run two processors of the same type or one of each. The RP2350 also features 520kB SRAM in ten banks, a host of peripherals including two UARTs, two SPI and two I2C controllers, and a USB 1.1 controller for host and device support.

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Required Materials

For basic use of the Pro Micro - RP2350 all you'll need is a USB-C cable like the ones listed below:

You may also want to get a Qwiic cable or kit to connect the Pro Micro - RP2350 to other Qwiic devices:


If you prefer a soldered connection or want to modify the solder jumpers on this board, you may need some of the products listed below:

Camera PSRAM Example Materials

This guide includes a detailed example on how to use the PSRAM included on the Pro Micro - RP2350 using a camera connected to the board. If you'd like to follow along with that example, you'll need the following materials. You'll certainly need the camera linked below along with optionaly headers, a breadboard, and jumper wire for prototyping the circuit.

Suggested Reading

We designed this board for integration into SparkFun's Qwiic connect system. Click on the banner below to learn more about the SparkFun Qwiic Connect System.

Before getting started with this Hookup Guide, you may want to read through the tutorials below if you are not familiar with the concepts covered in them or want a refresher. If you are using either of the Qwiic Shields linked above, we recommend reading through their respective Hookup Guides before continuing with this tutorial: