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Graphics Methods

Methods used to draw and display graphics.


When called, any pending display updates are sent to the connected OLED device. This includes drawn graphics and erase commands.

void display(void)
Parameter Type Description


Erases all graphics on the device, placing the display in a blank state. The erase update isn't sent to the device until the next display() call on the device.

void erase(void)
Parameter Type Description


Set the value of a pixel on the screen.

void pixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x uint8_t The X coordinate of the pixel to set
y uint8_t The Y coordinate of the pixel to set
clr uint8_t optional The color value to set the pixel. This defaults to white (1).


Draw a line on the screen.

Note: If a line is horizontal (y0 = y1) or vertical (x0 = x1), optimized draw algorithms are used by the library.

void line(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The start X coordinate of the line
y0 uint8_t The start Y coordinate of the line
x1 uint8_t The end X coordinate of the line
y1 uint8_t The end Y coordinate of the line
clr uint8_t optional The color value to draw the line. This defaults to white (1).


Draw a rectangle on the screen.

void rectangle(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The start X coordinate of the rectangle - upper left corner
y0 uint8_t The start Y coordinate of the rectangle - upper left corner
width uint8_t The width of the rectangle
height uint8_t The height of the rectangle
clr uint8_t optional The color value to draw the line. This defaults to white (1).


Draw a filled rectangle on the screen.

void rectangleFill(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The start X coordinate of the rectangle - upper left corner
y0 uint8_t The start Y coordinate of the rectangle - upper left corner
width uint8_t The width of the rectangle
height uint8_t The height of the rectangle
clr uint8_t optional The color value to draw the line. This defaults to white (1).


Draw a circle on the screen.

void circle(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t radius, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The X coordinate of the circle center
y0 uint8_t The Y coordinate of the circle center
radius uint8_t The radius of the circle
clr uint8_t optional The color value to draw the circle. This defaults to white (1).


Draw a filled circle on the screen.

void circleFill(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t radius, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The X coordinate of the circle center
y0 uint8_t The Y coordinate of the circle center
radius uint8_t The radius of the circle
clr uint8_t optional The color value to draw the circle. This defaults to white (1).


Draws a bitmap on the screen.

The bitmap should be 8 bit encoded - each pixel contains 8 y values.

void bitmap(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t *pBitmap, uint8_t bmp_width, uint8_t bmp_height )
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The X coordinate to place the bitmap - upper left corner
y0 uint8_t The Y coordinate to place the bitmap - upper left corner
pBitmap uint8_t * A pointer to the bitmap array
bmp_width uint8_t The width of the bitmap
bmp_height uint8_t The height of the bitmap


Draws a bitmap on the screen.

The bitmap should be 8 bit encoded - each pixel contains 8 y values.

The coordinate [x1,y1] allows for only a portion of bitmap to be drawn.

void bitmap(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, 
                uint8_t *pBitmap, uint8_t bmp_width, uint8_t bmp_height )
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The X coordinate to place the bitmap - upper left corner
y0 uint8_t The Y coordinate to place the bitmap - upper left corner
x1 uint8_t The end X coordinate of the bitmap - lower right corner
y1 uint8_t The end Y coordinate of the bitmap - lower right corner
pBitmap uint8_t * A pointer to the bitmap array
bmp_width uint8_t The width of the bitmap
bmp_height uint8_t The height of the bitmap


Draws a bitmap on the screen using a Bitmap object for the bitmap data.

void bitmap(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, QwiicBitmap& bitmap)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The X coordinate to place the bitmap - upper left corner
y0 uint8_t The Y coordinate to place the bitmap - upper left corner
Bitmap QwiicBitmap A bitmap object


Draws a string using the current font on the screen.

void text(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, const char * text, uint8_t clr)
Parameter Type Description
x0 uint8_t The X coordinate to start drawing the text
y0 uint8_t The Y coordinate to start drawing the text
text const char* The string to draw on the screen
text String The Arduino string to draw on the screen
clr uint8_t optional The color value to draw the circle. This defaults to white (1).