Enable the GPS-L5 Band
The RTK mosaic-X5 is capable of receiving signals from the GPS L5 frequency band and outputting RTK corrections for the L5 band. However, since the GPS L5 service is currently pre-operational and marked as "unhealthy", it takes some extra configuration steps to enable the L5 frequency band and corrections.
L5 Signal Reception
Below, are instructions to enable the RTK mosaic-X5 to receive GNSS signals from the GPS L5 frequency band.
Web Interface
Admin > Expert Control > Control Panel > Navigation > Receiver Operation > Masks - Set "Discard unhealthy satellites" to off for both "Tracking" and "PVT"
Navigation > Advance User Settings > Tracking > Signal Tracking : Enable GPSL5 signal tracking
Navigation > Advance User Settings > PVT > Signal Usage - Enable GPSL5 in both “PVT” and “navigation data decoder”
Make sure to click the OK button at the bottom of each page, where you are making changes to update the current configuration. Also, don’t forget to save it to boot, if you want the configuration to persist when you cycle power.
Command Interface
setHealthMask, Tracking, off
setHealthMask, PVT, off
setSignalTracking, +GPSL5
setSignalUsage, +GPSL5, +GPSL5
Output L5 Corrections
Below, are instructions for outputting RTK corrections for the GPS L5 frequency band, from the RTK mosaic-X5.
The RTK mosaic-X5 must be configured to receive those GNSS signals (see instructions above); otherwise, it won't have any data to provide the corrections with.
Web Interface
From the drop-down menu of the Corrections tab of the web interface, select Corrections > Corrections Output to bring up the corrections output settings. On this page, locate the Advanced Settings menu, where users can define the data intervals and formatting. Clicking on this will prompt a security dialog box to pop up, click the Proceed button to make changes to these settings. RTK corrections for the GPS L5 frequency band are only available in the RTCMv3 messages; therefore, users will need to select the RTCMv3 tab.
Scroll down to the RTCMv3 Data Formatting section, select the box next to the GPSL5
to enable the RTK corrections for the GPS L5 frequency band. In the example below, we have enable all the available signals to be included in the MSM output messages.
Make sure to click the OK button at the bottom of each page, where you are making changes to update the current configuration. Also, don’t forget to save it to boot, if you want the configuration to persist when you cycle power.
Command Interface
setRTCMv3Formatting, 0, +GPSL5