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API Reference for the SFE_ST25DV64KC_NDEF class

Brief Overview

The SFE_ST25DV64KC_NDEF class provides additional methods to read and write NDEF (NFC Forum Data Exchange Format) records from EEPROM memory. The SFE_ST25DV64KC_NDEF class inherits all of the methods of the SFE_ST25DV64KC class.

Capability Container Methods


This method will write a 4-byte Capability Container file to the first 4 bytes of EEPROM memory.


This method is only useful for small tags like the ST25DV04KC. The ST25DV64KC requires an 8-byte CC file.

bool writeCCFile4Byte(uint32_t val)
Parameter Type Description
val uint32_t The 32-bit (4-byte) capability container. Default is 0xE1403F00
return value bool true is the write was successful, otherwise false


This method will write a 8-byte Capability Container file to the first 8 bytes of EEPROM memory.

bool writeCCFile8Byte(uint32_t val1, uint32_t val2)
Parameter Type Description
val1 uint32_t The first 32-bits (4-bytes) of the capability container. Default is 0xE2400001
val2 uint32_t The second 32-bits (4-bytes) of the capability container. Default is 0x000003FF
return value bool true is the write was successful, otherwise false


This method allows the _ccFileLen member variable to be manually updated if required.

_ccFileLen has a default value of 8 (for the ST25DV64KC).

_ccFileLen is automatically set to 4 when writeCCFile4Byte is called. _ccFileLen is automatically set to 8 when writeCCFile8Byte is called.

void setCCFileLen(uint16_t newLen)
Parameter Type Description
newLen uint16_t The new value for _ccFileLen


This method returns the current value of _ccFileLen. It returns the correct start address to be passed to the writeNDEF functions.

uint16_t getCCFileLen()
Parameter Type Description
return value uint16_t The current value of _ccFileLen

NDEF Methods


This method writes an empty (zero-length) NDEF record to EEPROM. It can be useful to call this after clearing the EEPROM memory and writing the CC File. This allows the smart phone App to read the NDEF file - even though it is empty.

bool SFE_ST25DV64KC_NDEF::writeNDEFEmpty(uint16_t *address)
Parameter Type Description
address uint16_t * A pointer to a uint16_t containing the start address for this record. Default is NULL. If not provided, the record is written to _ccFileLen
return value bool true if the write was successful, otherwise false


This method writes an NDEF URI record to EEPROM.

The URI is passed in uri.

Setting idCode to the appropriate ID Code will save memory. The URI prefix (e.g. https://www. ) is then stored as a single byte.

Multiple records can be written by: providing an address plus Message Begin (MB) and Message End (ME) flags.

If address is provided, it is updated with the memory location after the final one written as part of this record. This allows it to be used as the start address for the next record.

A single record has both MB and ME flags set true.

The TLV T and L fields are set automatically. The L field is updated from 1-byte to 3-byte automatically if the new record takes the total length beyond 254 bytes.

bool writeNDEFURI(const char *uri, uint8_t idCode, uint16_t *address, bool MB, bool ME)

Possible values for idCode are:

Parameter Type Description
uri const char * A pointer to the URI
idCode uint8_t The URI prefix. SFE_ST25DV_NDEF_URI_ID_CODE_HTTPS_WWW = https://www. etc.. Default is SFE_ST25DV_NDEF_URI_ID_CODE_NONE
address uint16_t * A pointer to a uint16_t containing the start address for this record. Default is NULL. If not provided, the record is written to _ccFileLen
MB bool Message Begin flag. Default is true
ME bool Message End flag. Default is true
return value bool true if the write was successful, otherwise false


This method reads and returns a single NDEF URI from EEPROM.

By default, the first record is returned. The second and subsequent records can be read by setting recordNo to the desired value.

If the chosen recordNo is not present, the method returns false. This provides an easy way to count the number of URIs in memory.

bool readNDEFURI(char *theURI, uint16_t maxURILen, uint8_t recordNo)
Parameter Type Description
theURI char * A pointer to the char array which will hold the URI
maxURILen uint16_t The maximum number of bytes which theURI can hold. I.e. the sizeof of theURI
recordNo uint8_t The URI record to be read. Default is 1
return value bool true if the read is successful (i.e. recordNo exists), false otherwise


This method writes an NDEF WiFi record to EEPROM.

The WiFi SSID and Password are passed in ssid and passwd.

Multiple records can be written by: providing an address plus Message Begin (MB) and Message End (ME) flags.

If address is provided, it is updated with the memory location after the final one written as part of this record. This allows it to be used as the start address for the next record.

A single record has both MB and ME flags set true.

The TLV T and L fields are set automatically. The L field is updated from 1-byte to 3-byte automatically if the new record takes the total length beyond 254 bytes.

auth (the WiFi authentication) defaults to SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PERSONAL, as specified by the Wi-Fi Simple Configuration Technical Specification.

encrypt (the WiFi encryption) defaults to SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_AES, as specified by the Wi-Fi Simple Configuration Technical Specification.

bool writeNDEFWiFi(const char *ssid, const char *passwd, uint16_t *address, bool MB, bool ME, const uint8_t auth[2], const uint8_t encrypt[2])

Possible values for auth and encrypt are:

static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_OPEN[2] = {0x00, 0x01};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA_PERSONAL[2] = {0x00, 0x02};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_SHARED[2] = {0x00, 0x04};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA_ENTERPRISE[2] = {0x00, 0x08};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_ENTERPRISE[2] = {0x00, 0x10};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PERSONAL[2] = {0x00, 0x20};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PERSONAL[2] = {0x00, 0x22};

static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_NONE[2] = {0x00, 0x01};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_WEP[2] = {0x00, 0x02};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_TKIP[2] = {0x00, 0x04};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_AES[2] = {0x00, 0x08};
static const uint8_t SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_AES_TKIP[2] = {0x00, 0x0C};
Parameter Type Description
ssid const char * A pointer to the SSID (Network Name)
passwd const char * A pointer to the password (Network Key)
address uint16_t * A pointer to a uint16_t containing the start address for this record. Default is NULL. If not provided, the record is written to _ccFileLen
MB bool Message Begin flag. Default is true
ME bool Message End flag. Default is true
auth const uint8_t[2] The WiFi authentication method. Default is SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PERSONAL = 0x00, 0x20
encrypt const uint8_t[2] The WiFi encryption method. Default is SFE_ST25DV_WIFI_ENCRYPT_AES = 0x00, 0x08
return value bool true if the write was successful, otherwise false


This method reads and returns a single NDEF WiFi record from EEPROM.

By default, the first record is returned. The second and subsequent records can be read by setting recordNo to the desired value.

If the chosen recordNo is not present, the method returns false. This provides an easy way to count the number of WiFi records in memory.

bool readNDEFWiFi(char *ssid, uint16_t maxSsidLen, char *passwd, uint16_t maxPasswdLen, uint8_t recordNo)
Parameter Type Description
ssid char * A pointer to the char array which will hold the SSID
maxSsidLen uint16_t The maximum number of bytes which ssid can hold. I.e. the sizeof of ssid
passwd char * A pointer to the char array which will hold the password
maxPasswdLen uint16_t The maximum number of bytes which passwd can hold. I.e. the sizeof of passwd
recordNo uint8_t The URI record to be read. Default is 1
return value bool true if the read is successful (i.e. recordNo exists), false otherwise


This method writes an NDEF Text record to EEPROM.

The text passed in const char *theText.


The length of theText is calculated using strlen, which will fail if theText contains any zero (0x00) bytes. An overloaded method allows the text to be defined using const uint8_t *theText and uint16_t textLength if required.

The text language code can be defined using the languageCode parameter. languageCode defaults to NULL, in which case the language code is set automatically to "en" (English).

Multiple records can be written by: providing an address plus Message Begin (MB) and Message End (ME) flags.

If address is provided, it is updated with the memory location after the final one written as part of this record. This allows it to be used as the start address for the next record.

A single record has both MB and ME flags set true.

The TLV T and L fields are set automatically. The L field is updated from 1-byte to 3-byte automatically if the new record takes the total length beyond 254 bytes.

  bool writeNDEFText(const char *theText, uint16_t *address, bool MB, bool ME, const char *languageCode)
  bool writeNDEFText(const uint8_t *theText, uint16_t textLength, uint16_t *address, bool MB, bool ME, const char *languageCode)
Parameter Type Description
theText const char * A pointer to the text
address uint16_t * A pointer to a uint16_t containing the start address for this record. Default is NULL. If not provided, the record is written to _ccFileLen
MB bool Message Begin flag. Default is true
ME bool Message End flag. Default is true
languageCode const char * A pointer to the text language code. Default is NULL
return value bool true if the write was successful, otherwise false
Parameter Type Description
theText const uint8_t * A pointer to the text
textLength uint16_t The number of bytes contained in theText
address uint16_t * A pointer to a uint16_t containing the start address for this record. Default is NULL. If not provided, the record is written to _ccFileLen
MB bool Message Begin flag. Default is true
ME bool Message End flag. Default is true
languageCode const char * A pointer to the text language code. Default is NULL
return value bool true if the write was successful, otherwise false


This method reads and returns a single NDEF Text record from EEPROM.

By default, the first record is returned. The second and subsequent records can be read by setting recordNo to the desired value.

If the chosen recordNo is not present, the method returns false. This provides an easy way to count the number of WiFi records in memory.


If theText could contain any zero (0x00) bytes, you can use the overloaded method to receive the actual text length. On call, set *textLen to maximum number of bytes which theText can hold. On return, *textLen will contain the actual number of chars read.

bool readNDEFText(char *theText, uint16_t maxTextLen, uint8_t recordNo, char *language, uint16_t maxLanguageLen)
bool readNDEFText(uint8_t *theText, uint16_t *textLen, uint8_t recordNo, char *language, uint16_t maxLanguageLen)
Parameter Type Description
theText char * A pointer to the char array which will hold the text
maxTextLen uint16_t The maximum number of bytes which theText can hold. I.e. the sizeof of theText
recordNo uint8_t The URI record to be read. Default is 1
language char * A pointer to the char array which could hold the language code. Default is NULL
maxLanguageLen uint16_t The maximum number of bytes which language can hold. I.e. the sizeof of language. Default is zero
return value bool true if the read is successful (i.e. recordNo exists), false otherwise
Parameter Type Description
theText uint8_t * A pointer to the array of uint8_t which will hold the text
textLen uint16_t * The maximum number of bytes which theText can hold. I.e. the sizeof of theText. On return, contains the number of bytes read
recordNo uint8_t The URI record to be read. Default is 1
language char * A pointer to the char array which could hold the language code. Default is NULL
maxLanguageLen uint16_t The maximum number of bytes which language can hold. I.e. the sizeof of language. Default is zero
return value bool true if the read is successful (i.e. recordNo exists), false otherwise

Helper Methods


This method returns the URI prefix code at readable text. It is used by readNDEFURI to reconstruct the full URI based on the stored idCode.

const char *getURIPrefix(uint8_t prefixCode)
Parameter Type Description
prefixCode uint8_t The prefix code
return value const char * A pointer to the prefix as readable text

Member Variables

Parameter Type Description
_ccFileLen uint16_t The length of the capability container. I.e. the start address for NDEF records