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API Reference for the SFE_ST25DV64KC class

Brief Overview

The SFE_ST25DV64KC class provides all of the necessary methods to exchange data with the ST25DV tag.

Communication with the tag is started by calling begin and providing the address of a TwoWire (I2C) Port. begin will default to Wire if no wirePort is provided.

The tag's unique identifier (UID) can be read with getDeviceUID. The hardware version can be checked with getDeviceRevision.

By default, the user memory can be both read and written to via both I2C and RF (NFC). But, to change any of the IC's settings, a security session needs to be opened by entering the correct password. The default password is eight zeros ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ) and - for I2C - can be entered by calling openI2CSession. The status of the security session can be checked with isI2CSessionOpen. The I2C password can be changed with writeI2CPassword.


The password can be read back from the tag with readRegisterValues, but only when a security session is open. If you change the password, close the security session and then forget the password, your tag is locked forever. There is no way to change or reset the pasword unless you know the password. If you change it, write it down somewhere.

The memory can be divided up into four areas, each of which can have different security levels applied. setMemoryAreaEndAddress and getMemoryAreaEndAddress can change and read the end address for each area.

With an open security session, the I2C read and write permissions for each area can be changed and read with programEEPROMReadProtectionBit, programEEPROMWriteProtectionBit, getEEPROMReadProtectionBit and getEEPROMWriteProtectionBit.

With an open security session, the RF read and write permissions for each area can be changed and read with setAreaRfRwProtection and getAreaRfRwProtection. RF password control and be set and read with setAreaRfPwdCtrl and getAreaRfPwdCtrl.

The EEPROM memory can be read and written with readEEPROM and writeEEPROM.

The behaviour of the GPO pin can be set and read with setGPO1Bit, getGPO1Bit, setGPO2Bit and getGPO2Bit.

Energy harvesting can be controlled with setEH_MODEBit and getEH_MODEBit.

Initialization / Configuration


This method sets the address of the error callback. Once set, a callback is triggered if an error occurs within a method.

void setErrorCallback(void (*errorCallback)(SF_ST25DV64KC_ERROR errorCode))

An example error handler - if tag is global - is:

void errorHandler(SF_ST25DV64KC_ERROR errorCode)
    Serial.print(F("Error Callback: "));

errorCodeString converts the SF_ST25DV64KC_ERROR enum into readable text.

The callback is set with:

Parameter Description
errorCallback The address of the callback


This method configures I2C communication with the tag and confirms the tag is connected.

bool begin(TwoWire &wirePort)
Parameter Type Description
wirePort TwoWire & The address of the TwoWire port. Default is Wire
return value bool true if communication is begun successfully, otherwise false


This method confirms if a device is connected at the expected I2C address. This method can only be called after begin, as begin configures which TwoWire port will be used. begin calls isConnected internally to establish if a tag is connected.

bool isConnected()
Parameter Type Description
return value bool true if the tag is connected, otherwise false

Device Properties


This method reads the tag's 64-bit unique identifier as uint8_t[8].

bool getDeviceUID(uint8_t *values)
Parameter Type Description
values uint8_t * A pointer to the array of uint8_t that will contain the UID. values must be uint8_t[8]
return value bool true if the read is successful, otherwise false


This method reads the tag's hardware revision.

bool getDeviceRevision(uint8_t *value)
Parameter Type Description
value uint8_t * A pointer to uint8_t that will contain the revision
return value bool true if the read is successful, otherwise false

Security Session Password Control


This method enters the I2C security session 64-bit password. password is uint8_t[8]. This method returns true if the password is written to the tag successfully - but that does not confirm that the password is valid/invalid. The password validity must be confirmed with isI2CSessionOpen.

bool openI2CSession(uint8_t *password)
Parameter Type Description
password uint8_t * A pointer to the array of uint8_t that contains the password. password must be uint8_t[8]
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method checks if the I2C security session is open, i.e. that the correct password has been entered.

bool isI2CSessionOpen()
Parameter Type Description
return value bool true if the security session is open, otherwise false


This method changes the I2C password. It will only be successful when a security session is open, i.e. you need to know the current password to be able to change the password (obvs.).


The password can be read back from the tag with readRegisterValues, but only when a security session is open. If you change the password, close the security session and then forget the password, your tag is locked forever. There is no way to change or reset the pasword unless you know the password. If you change it, write it down somewhere.

bool writeI2CPassword(uint8_t *password)
Parameter Type Description
password uint8_t * A pointer to the array of uint8_t that contains the new password. password must be uint8_t[8]
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false

Memory Area Control


This method is used to modify the end address for memory Areas 1-3. The end address of Area 4 is always set to the tag's last memory location.

endAddressValue is an 8-bit value. The actual memory end address is: (32 * endAddressValue) + 31

bool setMemoryAreaEndAddress(uint8_t memoryNumber, uint8_t endAddressValue)
Parameter Type Description
memoryNumber uint8_t The memory area 1-3
endAddressValue uint8_t The end address in 8-bit form. See notes above
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the end address for the specified area.

If a read error occurs, an error callback is triggered.

The returned address is the actual end address in 16-bit format, not the 8-bit register value used by setMemoryAreaEndAddress.

uint16_t getMemoryAreaEndAddress(uint8_t memoryArea)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-3
return value uint16_t The actual end address (16-bit)

I2C Read and Write Protection


This method sets/clears the I2C read protection bit for the specified memory area 1-4.

When set, the memory area is only readable if a security session is open.


Area 1 is always readable. Calling programEEPROMReadProtectionBit(1, true) has no effect.

bool programEEPROMReadProtectionBit(uint8_t memoryArea, bool readSecured)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
readSecured bool true: read is allowed only if an I2C security session is open. false: read is always allowed
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method sets/clears the I2C write protection bit for the specified memory area 1-4.

When set, the memory area is only writeable if a security session is open.

bool programEEPROMWriteProtectionBit(uint8_t memoryArea, bool writeSecured)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
writeSecured bool true: write is allowed only if an I2C security session is open. false: write is always allowed
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the state of read protection for the specified memory area 1-4..

bool getEEPROMReadProtectionBit(uint8_t memoryArea)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
return value bool true if memory read is protected, otherwise false


This method returns the state of write protection for the specified memory area 1-4..

bool getEEPROMWriteProtectionBit(uint8_t memoryArea)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
return value bool true if memory write is protected, otherwise false

RF Read and Write Protection


This method sets the RF read and write protection for the specified memory area 1-4.

The default protection for all memory areas is RF_RW_READ_ALWAYS_WRITE_ALWAYS.


Area 1 is always readable via RF. Calling setAreaRfRwProtection(1, RF_RW_READ_SECURITY_WRITE_SECURITY) or setAreaRfRwProtection(1, RF_RW_READ_SECURITY_WRITE_NEVER) has no effect.

bool setAreaRfRwProtection(uint8_t memoryArea, SF_ST25DV_RF_RW_PROTECTION rw)

The permissible values for rw are:

RF_RW_READ_SECURITY_WRITE_SECURITY, // For Area 1: Read is always allowed
RF_RW_READ_SECURITY_WRITE_NEVER     // For Area 1: Read is always allowed
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
rw enum class SF_ST25DV_RF_RW_PROTECTION The level of read/write protection
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the level of RF read and write protection for the specified memory area 1-4.

If a read error occurs, an error callback is triggered.

SF_ST25DV_RF_RW_PROTECTION getAreaRfRwProtection(uint8_t memoryArea)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
return value enum class SF_ST25DV_RF_RW_PROTECTION The level of read/write protection


This method defines which password is required to open a security session for the specified memory area 1-4.

An "RF Configuration" security session can be opened by entering RF Password 0. This session allows the tag's configuration static registers and RF Password 0 to be modified via RF. The default RF Password 0 is ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ).

An "RF User" security session can be opened by entering RF Password 1-3. This session allows the user access to protected user memory as defined by setAreaRfRwProtection. The matching RF Password (1-3) can also be changed while the session is open.

By default, the pwdCtrl setting for each memory area is RF_PWD_NEVER, meaning that a RF User security session can not be opened by password.


To protect a tag against unwanted changes via an RF Configuration Session, RF Password 0 should be changed using an App like ST's "NFC Tap". It is not possible to do this via I2C. The I2C interface has no access to the four RF passwords.

bool setAreaRfPwdCtrl(uint8_t memoryArea, SF_ST25DV_RF_PWD_CTRL pwdCtrl)

The permissible values for pwdCtrl are:

Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
pwdCtrl enum class SF_ST25DV_RF_PWD_CTRL The selected password option
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the selected password option for the specified memory area 1-4.

If a read error occurs, an error callback is triggered.

SF_ST25DV_RF_PWD_CTRL getAreaRfPwdCtrl(uint8_t memoryArea)
Parameter Type Description
memoryArea uint8_t The memory area 1-4
return value enum class SF_ST25DV_RF_PWD_CTRL The selected password option

EEPROM Read and Write


This method reads dataLength bytes from EEPROM memory, starting at baseAddress. The bytes are returned in data.


data must be sufficiently large to hold all dataLength bytes.

bool readEEPROM(uint16_t baseAddress, uint8_t *data, uint16_t dataLength)
Parameter Type Description
baseAddress uint16_t The base (start) EEPROM address for the read
data uint8_t * A pointer to an array of uint8_t to hold the read data
dataLength uint16_t The number of bytes to be read
return value bool true if the read is successful, otherwise false


This method writes dataLength bytes to EEPROM memory, starting at baseAddress. The bytes to be written are held in data.

bool writeEEPROM(uint16_t baseAddress, uint8_t *data, uint16_t dataLength)
Parameter Type Description
baseAddress uint16_t The base (start) EEPROM address for the write
data uint8_t * A pointer to an array of uint8_t which holds the data to be written
dataLength uint16_t The number of bytes to be written
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false

RF Detection


This method detects if an RF field is present.

bool RFFieldDetected()
Parameter Type Description
return value bool true if an RF field is detected, otherwise false

GPO Control


This method sets or clears the selected bit(s) in the GPO1 register.

Multiple bits can be set or cleared with a single call.

bool setGPO1Bit(uint8_t bitMask, bool enabled)

The GPO1 bit definitions are:

#define BIT_GPO1_GPO_EN (1 << 0)
#define BIT_GPO1_RF_USER_EN (1 << 1)
#define BIT_GPO1_RF_ACTIVITY_EN (1 << 2)
#define BIT_GPO1_RF_INTERRUPT_EN (1 << 3)
#define BIT_GPO1_FIELD_CHANGE_EN (1 << 4)
#define BIT_GPO1_RF_PUT_MSG_EN (1 << 5)
#define BIT_GPO1_RF_GET_MSG_EN (1 << 6)
#define BIT_GPO1_RF_WRITE_EN (1 << 7)
Parameter Type Description
bitMask uint8_t The bit(s) to be set or cleared
enabled bool If true, the bit(s) set in bitMask are set. If false, the bit(s) set in bitMask are cleared.
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the state of the selected bit in the GPO1 register.

bool getGPO1Bit(uint8_t bitMask)
Parameter Type Description
bitMask uint8_t The bit to be read
return value bool true if the bit is set, otherwise false


This method sets or clears the selected bit(s) in the GPO2 register.

Multiple bits can be set or cleared with a single call.

bool setGPO2Bit(uint8_t bitMask, bool enabled)

The GPO2 bit defintions are:

#define BIT_GPO2_I2C_WRITE_EN (1 << 0)
#define BIT_GPO2_I2C_RF_OFF_EN (1 << 1)
Parameter Type Description
bitMask uint8_t The bit(s) to be set or cleared
enabled bool If true, the bit(s) set in bitMask are set. If false, the bit(s) set in bitMask are cleared.
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the state of the selected bit in the GPO2 register.

bool getGPO2Bit(uint8_t bitMask)
Parameter Type Description
bitMask uint8_t The bit to be read
return value bool true if the bit is set, otherwise false


This method sets or clears the GPO_EN bit in the GPO_CTRL_Dyn (Dynamic) register. This allows the GPO pin to be enabled or disabled without making non-volatile changes to the GPO1 register GPO_EN bit.

bool setGPO_CTRL_DynBit(bool enabled)
Parameter Type Description
enabled bool If true, the GPO_EN bit is set, otherwise it is cleared
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method retruns the state of the GPO_EN bit in the GPO_CTRL_Dyn (Dynamic) register.

bool getGPO_CTRL_DynBit()
Parameter Type Description
return value bool true if the GPO_EN bit is set, otherwise false

Interrupt Status


This method returns the content of the dynamic Interrupt Status register IT_SYS_Dyn, indicating the cause of an interrupt.

If a read error occurs, an error callback is triggered.


Once read, the ITSTS_Dyn register is cleared (set to 00h).

uint8_t getIT_STS_Dyn();

The bit definitions of the IT_SYS_Dyn register are:

#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_RF_USER (1 << 0)
#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_RF_ACTIVITY (1 << 1)
#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_RF_INTERRUPT (1 << 2)
#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_FIELD_RISING (1 << 4)
#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_RF_PUT_MSG (1 << 5)
#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_RF_GET_MSG (1 << 6)
#define BIT_IT_STS_DYN_RF_WRITE (1 << 7)
Parameter Type Description
return value uint8_t The register value

Energy Harvesting


This method sets or clears the Energy Harvesting EH_MODE bit in the EH_MODE register.

bool setEH_MODEBit(bool value)
Parameter Type Description
value bool If true, Energy Harvesting is on demand only (default). If false, EH is forced after boot
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the state of the Energy Harvesting EH_MODE bit in the EH_MODE register.

bool getEH_MODEBit()
Parameter Type Description
return value bool true if the EH_MODE bit is set, otherwise false


This method will set or clear bit(s) in the dynamic EH_CTRL_Dyn register. This allows energy harvesting to be enabled or disabled without making non-volatile changes to the EH_MODE register.

bool setEH_CTRL_DYNBit(uint8_t bitMask, bool value)
Parameter Type Description
bitMask uint8_t The bit(s) to be set or cleared
value bool If true, the bit(s) set in bitMask are set. If false, the bit(s) set in bitMask are cleared
return value bool true if the write is successful, otherwise false


This method returns the state of the select bit in the dynamic EH_CTRL_Dyn register.


If multiple bits are set in bitMask, the method will return true if any one of those bits is set.

bool getEH_CTRL_DYNBit(uint8_t bitMask)
Parameter Type Description
bitMask uint8_t The bit to be read
return value bool true if the bit is set, otherwise false

Helper Methods


This method converts an SF_ST25DV64KC_ERROR error code into readable text.

const char *errorCodeString(SF_ST25DV64KC_ERROR errorCode)
Parameter Description
errorCode The enum class SF_ST25DV64KC_ERROR error code
return value const char *


This method reads a single register value.

bool readRegisterValue(const SF_ST25DV64KC_ADDRESS addressType, const uint16_t registerAddress, uint8_t *value)

This is the equivalent of calling:

tag->st25_io.readSingleByte(addressType, registerAddress, value)

Possible values for addressType are:

DATA,          // E2 = 0, E1 = 1
SYSTEM,        // E2 = 1, E1 = 1
RF_SWITCH_OFF, // E2 = 0, E1 = 0
RF_SWITCH_ON,  // E2 = 1, E1 = 0
Parameter Type Description
addressType enum class SF_ST25DV64KC_ADDRESS The register type, equivalent to the I2C address
registerAddress const uint16_t The register address
value uint8_t * value will hold the register value on return
return value bool true if the read was successful, otherwise false


This method reads multiple register values.


data must be sufficiently large to hold all dataLength bytes.

bool readRegisterValues(const SF_ST25DV64KC_ADDRESS addressType, const uint16_t registerAddress, uint8_t *data, const uint16_t dataLength)

This is the equivalent of calling:

tag->st25_io.readMultipleBytes(addressType, registerAddress, data, dataLength)

Possible values for addressType are:

DATA,          // E2 = 0, E1 = 1
SYSTEM,        // E2 = 1, E1 = 1
RF_SWITCH_OFF, // E2 = 0, E1 = 0
RF_SWITCH_ON,  // E2 = 1, E1 = 0
Parameter Type Description
addressType enum class SF_ST25DV64KC_ADDRESS The register type, equivalent to the I2C address
registerAddress const uint16_t The start register address
data uint8_t * data will hold the register values on return
dataLength const uint16_t The number of registers to be read
return value bool true if the read was successful, otherwise false

Member Variables

Parameter Type Description
st25_io class SFE_ST2525DV64KC_IO An instance of the SFE_ST2525DV64KC_IO class, providing I2C communication methods and storage for wirePort